That's very impressive. Impressive in many ways. Win win win. Really like that trailer. Glad you have good buddies that take care of each other.
Hey Greg Im happy for your good fortune! I got excited for you just looking at that haul. Nice your helping out your friends as well!
Central pa near Harrisburg Tons of hackberry in these parts, not considered the best for btus but if kept off the ground to season it does well, also grainy to split but no problem for hydraulic
Yes, would have loved to go, but my youngest son graduates high school and we are having a party for him on that Friday evening, will be lots of family and friends in town, so will have to catch another one.
Good for you, you lucky dog. We are all envious of your good fortune and proud that you're sharing it with friends:stacke:
Two loads went to a cutting buddy and we ganged up on it today, split and stacked maybe four cords, maybe need one more half cord and he's good for next winter. My guess is after five full trailers over the weekend there is maybe 7 trailers left. Will keep you posted with pics, won't be cutting there again until next week
Well, a couple new pics now. All trees are down, and these two remaining log piles are what is left. Guessing 10 + cords. Will be back cutting and hauling most evenings next week as am traveling this week and weekend. But some good btu's left for sure. Hard to see from pic, but piles are sort of down in a retention type area, maybe 5 feet below my feet from point of view of picture. Will be the largest log pile i have attacked. Skid steer with grapple would be nice, but manpower will have to do. .
What a remarkable score! A wood hoarders dream, for sure. Congrats on your good fortune and kudos for sharing. Sometimes good things happen to good people.
So far he has kept for me. He asked for and I provided an insurance type waiver where I had myself and all my pals sign. We have discussed it on here before and it is in the forum document section somewhere. I think that has helped me keep the site now that it is in place. I was there no more than an hour and had people stopping and asking me about getting wood. Seems like being there with the waiver in place may have helped, though not positive, that and I walked by the night the trees were coming down so I may have been first in line also. When I sent the waiver via email that same night, I listed the size of our team and the gear we had so they would know we could and would take it all. May have also helped. Very thankful for the find, and there will be a case of beer headed their way next week with a thank you note for sure from me !