Nice to meet you burntreyno11ds , although I don't get your name. Sean said it was witty, so I feel stupid. Anyways, welcome fellow Kingstonian, I've been to your Kingston a few times. Isn't that where "Old Fort Henry" is? I went there a couple times in the 70's & 80's. Gananoque is in that area that we used to travel to, I loved it up there.
You are very correct mountain man, that's the spot! I live in Kingston and have a little cottage on a lake north of Gananoque. The St. Lawrence river and the 1000 islands has made many fall in love with the for the handle, it's just Burnt Reynolds instead of Burt. It started off as a rock band name, and kept on rolling!
Yeah that's the place mountain man ! Live in Kingston, and have a cottage north of Ganaoque. Many have fallen in love with the St Lawrence river and the 1000 islands! C-c-cold in the winter, and hot and humid enough in the summer to rust yer razor.....Burnt Reynolds is an old rock band name .....
Haha, that's about right Horkn, chainsaws, axes, and guitars are tolerated, but she's not overly enthusiastic about the conversations. I encourage my wife to buy a new pair of shoes if she sees a new piece of gear, because when she asks why I need more than one of any of the above, I usually respond with, "could you get by with just one pair of shoes? That's why I need more than one chainsaw!"
Wish I could have as many chains saws as my wife has shoes! Heck I would even settle to have as many CHAINS as she has shoes. I would need a pole barn.
Hey CenterTree you've been a member for almost 2 years and only 4 posts?! Something needs to change! We need your input! But we're glad you didn't run away.
The second I saw your avatar it just hit me about your name. I must have spent ten minutes trying to figure it out this AM.
I've been to 1000 islands many times, It is beautiful and we did love it! I remember going to an Island with a castle on it that was being restored. Bolt island or something like that?
Thanks. Well ya know I have been hanging out at a "different" area of the internet a lot. ( and No, not the porn Started to feel a little "Stale" over there. Thought I would venture out a little. .
I've been getting a good amount of ash lately and I left a lot of stuff in round form that I normally would have split. I figure the stuff has a minimum of 3 years and it they're still a little wet I'll toss them aside for another year or split them. I might try cutting the bark like some others have mentioned.
Yes, that would be Boldt Castle on Heart Island. It's a very interesting story. Goerge Boldt, a Very rich dude builds a Castle for his wife, but just before he completed it, she he just left it. They have done a great job bringing it back to its former glory. A njce way to spend a day on the water!
Thanks, I went to it a couple times, but it was in ruins then. I 'd love to see it restored. One for the bucket list.
I often bring home large rounds that will be split up to a year or two later. I make it a point of quartering the rounds, then stack them up to start drying. It helps to reduce their weight while loading them up in the truck while in the field. Once I do get around to doing the final split, the bark is often falling off and the wood has a lot of it's moisture gone. It makes a huge difference compared to leaving it in full rounds, which locks in a lot of the moisture.