Already started snowing here. Forecast is for 5-10 inches or more by tomorrow morning. Burning a little oak now.
We had 34 this morning, just another Cherry fire in the Liberty. We had more rain than snow last night.
27 OAT light snow, 80 in the stove room I owe I owe so off to work I go...... not a big fan of second shift. .
Only had about four inches of snow last night into early morning. Sunny a good part of the day. Cloudy now, supposed to snow tonight. get colder, and then have freezing rain for many hours tomorrow, with accumulation of over 1/2 inch of ice, possible tree limb breakage and power outages, per Environment Canada. I knocked the several inches of wet snow off the branches of my pines (where I could reach) and my apple trees. The pines took a real beating, everywhere locally, during the last ice storm.
As of last night, wasn't hardly any snow left, and the creek level was dropping. Woke up this morning to 4 inches of white heavy snot. Now they're saying 6-8 more inches tomorrow and we have a winter storm warning. Can't wait, really, really, can't wait, no really, I'm not fooling.....
27 this am and 68 IAT at about 6:30. We got about 1.5" of snow by the time I went to bed at about midnight, and there's approx. 2" or so out there now. Forecast is still saying up to a foot by this evening. Big coal bed, and I added 4 medium Maple splits. Should be gooder for a few hours.
56 Was supposed to drop down to 30's last nite. Warmed up. Windows open all nite long. Dam near roasted.
Just Wood, I've been amazed for the last few months at the temperature difference between your place and mine. How far south of, say, Syracuse, are you? Our temps have been much colder than yours, although I don't think we are very far apart as the crow flies. We were 24 degrees at 8 AM today. No windows open here. It is snowing, a wet, cold snow. Supposed to be heavy at times this morning, switching to ice pellets and then freezing rain. I hate having to walk the dog in the freezing rain, but it looks like that will have to happen once today....
Cold and windy (breezy;20 or more mph) but bright sunshine all day. Dropping to the low teens tonight. No fresh snow either.
30ish here didn't look at temp before I left Windy and flurries Nothing sticking Almost hit 70 yesterday. What a difference. Coal and odds from the bottom of the wood room pile .Its down to about 1/2 a face cord. May throw in a face cord to get through spring.
When I went down to make a fire last night the temp was 34, after getting the fire locked in I came upstairs it was 44 and by the time I hit the sack it was 48. We're heading to 18 tonight if the forecast is correct, some Ironwood with Beech will get it done.
40 and rain.. Fed the IS ash and pine mix.. needs to be a little warmer daughter home sick from school.. just a cough/cold..