I thought that measuring was jsut a waste of time when I started bucking, but after I started doing it, I will never go back. I am hoping that, eventually, I will get within a 1/2" eyeballing it, but we shall see.
crzybowhntr I like your measuring.... just be careful if you get different size bars! Make fun never....trying teach my brother to do that... hard to stack 20 inch splits on 10s
Didn't last too long after getting into the oaks and hickory. I've got 6 nice new semi chisel chains ready for the next time I can get out.
That's a nice sharp powerful saw! With all those chips flying, you should put some safety glasses on though.
Yeah, great measuring, I do the same and get really consistent results. I am glad to see the chaps, but was surprised you had no eye or ear protection on... ???