After I found the first one, my eyes didn't see the others until I kept looking knowing that there were 4 in total to be found. We don't have those in these state.
The one in the lower right took me the longest, it's tail wasn't in the picture. If you're looking for them the easiest thing to look for is the tail, It won't change color to match the surroundings.
I'm always impressed by them. I've seen a couple and they're easier to spot on a tree than they are on the ground in leaves. I once had a 10 min conversation with a guy on a hike and only then did I notice the copperhead coiled right between us. We were standing on shallow large rocks and the copperhead was hanging out right between the rocks.
I actually get feel sick to my stomach when I come across snakes. I have a "natural" aversion to them. Same thing with spiders. I don't feel that way about mice etc. Just those creepy things.
There's been rattlers in Maine. We supposedly don't have copperheads here in Wisconsin, but I've seen one, and I also saw a show called "Outdoor Wisconsin" on public TV where on a hike, they filmed a copper head on the wild. Go figure.
For years I heard we don't have black widow spiders in Pa. Not true. They are here. But rare. There are a lot black widows imported here. Many are found in a Fiberglass plant in Huntingdon. They come there with the shipments of glass marbles from down south
We had both black widows and rattlers at my previous home in Colorado. Killed 3 rattlers near/in the house over 30 years and too many Black Widows to count. The camo copperheads scare me much more though!!
Copperheads are nasty. They're territorial. And, they like to cluster up. If it's chilly they'll get in a ball. If you're in the woods and smell cucumbers, you're near Copperheads. The other thing with Copperheads is that Black Snakes will wear them out. Don't kill a black snake in the yard. If they're around the odds are the Copperheads won't be.