Yup... FHC is quite a family... ... now 2500 and counting. To any of you who are new here and haven't posted yet, for whatever reason... please jump in!!! Everyone has a firewood or pellet wood story, and we can't wait to read about it... ... just remember... we're all just a little bit "off" here... ... (and proud of it... )
That's kindof what I figured. Hi, my name is RCBS and i'm a Wood/Saw/Tool/Splitter/Tractor/Wildlife/Forestry -Aholic. Likewise. Lots of good character/s around here so far.
Quite a milestone indeed !! Welcome RuggedMade. Its your lucky day! And you found the best Forum on the net. Everyone here is ready to help.
No way! I never win a drawings. When we lived on base we had a drawing with 13 prizes to be given away and only 15 people showed up. My wife and I were the only ones who did not have their names drawn. Most excellent!