Have been searching CL for a decent used splitter but they are hard to come by around here. So tonight I decided to take my 3 y.o. daughter splitter shopping. Not much left in stock anywhere and TSC was my last stop. They had one Countyline 22T left and weren't ordering more because the new model is coming out soon. It was $999.00 regularly, discounted to $900.00 and I offered him $850.00 and he took it. Not a bad deal for my first splitter! I have read they are decent for a starter and if I decide to upgrade in a couple years, I won't lose that much if I sell
There a big difference between "have to" and "want to". I have been dying to try one of those kinetics, but since we are also buying a new stove this year I just didn't want to shell out the extra cash.
I bought one last year. I like it a lot. Well, as much as I like splitter's. Mine has worked great. All I'll say is check that the fittings on the hydro hoses are indeed tight before firing it up! God Bless
Yep, check all fluids every nut and bolt you can get a wrench on. Think someone had one that the wheel bearings were loose on. Gary
Congrats! that's a good price , paid $700 for my 22 ton Huskee very slightly used. Dig back in your pocket and get one of these, SPEECO LOG CATCHER you won't regret it , a must have IMO
I have the red Husky version but it doesn't have the Kohler. Mine has a Briggs lawnmower engine which I had enough doubts about that I scavenged a downshaft Honda GC to replace it when it died. To my amazement it is still running some 7 or 8 years later. Has been a good piece of equipment. I did manage to wear out the detent on the valve. Pulled it apart and rotated the valve shaft 180° and it still works. I also bought one of the Forest Kings last year. It seems to be decent thus far. I will admit that I have a Honda GX engine stashed that may replace the Chonda or whatever it is on there now.
Well I made the mistake of looking at Clist last and found a local guy that has DHT22 for sale that he bought last fall. He made the mistake of not checking all the fittings and it popped one, he sent it back and they put a new cylinder on it (at least that is the story I got). It took 2 weeks for the repair and in the meantime he needed a splitter so he bought another and now selling this one. Considering the Countyline is just on hold for me until I pick it up tonight, for the same money ($850.00) is the DHT or the countyline a better deal?