Anyone else use these? I have one on the one end my 3/8 chain I use to drag logs. Hands down the best $14 I've spent. 3/8" Choker Hook For 3/8" Chain Choker System | Chain Chokers & Hardware | Logging Chokers & Winchlines |
i had no idea. yep, i will be checking my chains for marks. are the other telltale marks to look for as far as strength?
Yes, they work nice. I have 5 6' chokers for my winch using them. Baileys has another cheap & very handy little wood dragging beauty called a "cat choker" Pre-Made Fse Choker 3/8"X12' (5 Lbs) | Logging & Skidding Chokers | Logging Chokers & Winchlines | FSE =Ferrule (the knob on the end of the cable) - Slide (you hook the ferrule into this and it slides on the cable to self tighten) - Eye (spliced "eye" on the end to throw over your ball or hook on your tow vehicle)
cool link. i have several lengths of different chains that i have gotten from different places over the years and always wondered about the different strengths. i have one piece that must have been used to pull and engine a long time ago as it was grown into an oak branch 20 foot in the air! it hung down probably 5 feet. i saw it in the tree as a kid and when a tornado knocked the tree down years later i was able to fetch it. i have no idea how old it is but it is still a strong chain.
I somehow take offense to that. Being that is my profession, not at blowe's fwiw. Then again, I'm a Buyer in manufacturing. If Engineering doesn't tell me what to buy and I have to determine what the project's requirements are on my own, I'll still run the specs past Engineering as that is their job. My job is to procure in a timely manner, and get cost savings without compromising quality. Somehow I don't think Buyers at big box stores corporate offices have to worry about specs and quality.
I'd like to have set of those. Most of the time I'm not able to back right up to the log I'm getting dragging, but for the ones I can, it would be nice. Where did you get yours?
Timber Tuff 20" Swivel Grab Skidding Tongs | Swivel Grab Skidding Tongs | Skidding Tongs & Brush Grubbers | Half of the time I'm just dragging logs with them. Once they are out of the woods I will pick them up to bring them to the processing area.