This turned out to be a good rainy day project. It should have been ridiculously easy to just screw in two screws. Several hours later and a lot of cursing and it was done. Basically, because the rear clearance is so small in the back of this stove there wasn't enough room for the OAK ducting and the blower. I had to modify an "adjustable periscope dryer vent" to get everything to fit. It was still a very snug fit and a terribly fiddly job, but it's done! Before After
When I first bought the stove, the salesman recommended starting off without the blower because "it's easy to add it on later." Riiiight!
BTW, I have to give credit to @Eatenbylimestone on for cluing me into the dryer vent thingy. It only took a Dremel and some tin snips to make it fit my needs.
Fine rework job, mike bayerl! I feel your pain trying to work in tight quarters Bet you're glad that's done.....