mt vernon E-2 i have read the section in the manual about trim adjustment about a dozen times. it is very unclear.......some pellets burn good at a minus setting and some pellets burn good at a plus setting... my question is the trim screw just a POT? which way makes the combustion fan have more voltage? is it tied into the auger also?
Givin this a bump for ya. I'm assuming its a fine adjustment for the auger feed. Negative slows the feed rate and positive increases feed rate slightly. Tough to explain, But hoping a Mt V owner will assist??
Sure looks like a pot adj. but I'm not absolutely sure. I assumed it was merely adding or subtracting air through comb. fan speed. Since I had the recall done I have left it alone at 0 and the burn has been ok. I would think the pot is tied to the board and there would be some logic involved with the fan speed and auger speed. You bring up a good question that I can't answer for sure. Mydealer is supposed to drop off a new transmitter for the t stat and if possible I will ask him a few questions. Doggy
Actually the trim could do both (Change draft fan speed and fuel feed) Does the book say anything about what the trim pot does ???
Here's what I could find. And had this stuff on the same page.... If Burning Hardwood Pellet Fuel: QuadraFire recommends setting the appliance at a -4 trim setting as a start. From our testing, hardwood fuels burn well between -4 and -2 settings. If Burning Lower BTU Pellet Fuel: Utility Pellet Fuel, or High Ash Pellet Fuel: QuadraFire recommends setting the appliance and leaving at a -4 trim setting. From our testing, lower BTU fuels result in large clinkers in the bottom of the fi repot during normal operation. Using this type of fuel will increase the recommended fi repot cleaning interval. If Burning Softwood Pellet Fuel: QuadraFire recommends starting at a -2 trim setting and adjusting based on installation confi gurations. From our testing, softwood fuels burn well at a variety of settings. If Elevation is 3000 feet above Sea Level or Higher: When burning at higher elevations you will need more air for the fi re to burn properly. QuadraFire recommends starting with a Trim Setting of -3. From our testing, appliances at higher elevations burn best at settings -4,-3, +3, and +4. Review fuel types and installation confi gurations for choosing the right setting. If appliance has long horizontal venting sections or more than two 90 degree Elbows: QuadraFire recommends starting at a -4 trim setting and making adjustments based on fuel type and elevation. From our testing, we have found that -4,-3, +3, or +4 have worked well depending on fuels. Indicators that Trim Adjustment is needed: 1. The flame appears lazy 2. Smoke can be seen in the fi rebox after start up during normal burn 3. Excessive build up of clinkers taller than a 1/2” in the bottom of the fi repot The fi re goes out when in normal operating mode
that is what is in the manual, whats it do?( the trim) some pellets burn good at a minus setting and some burn good at a plus setting what does the trim CONTROL?
That's nice JT. I looked at my owners manual when I got home from work and while different from what you found, it basically says same thing. My take is the pot goes to the board and changes logic. I'm far from a computer expert though. Doggy
well,i guess i;ll keep playing with it,it just confusing if ccw is more air/less fuel and cw is more air? how can it be more air both ways ?