Got a fire going this morning but haven't added anything since noon. The better half baking some cookies this PM also helps. I don't think I will need a fire until tomorrow morning.
I agree.....uhhhh....I was kinda joking about really burnin' the bacon but it HAS been done before. Its kinda almost a sacriledge for a seasoned veteran of bacon partakin' such as myself to even remotely joke about ruining some....shhhhhh. On a good note however, we just this morning sliced up the hams and bacons to 4 hogs we butchered last weekend. One or two pictures to follow...(as long as nobody objects). No blood or gore though....just in case we have a vegetarian amonst us. I just gotta get'em out of the camera and into Photobucket first. Homer Simpson is one smart guy !!!!
Baby sitting my daughter's dog this week so she can go on a cruise. He is old but is an escape artist so I can't just dump him in the back yard. When I took him out for an early morning walk it was about 45ºF, 7C. By lunch time when he just had to go out again it was up to about 64ºF, 18C. Who needs heat at those temperatures? I have had the windows open most of the day to air out the house.
The 7" of snow we received Tuesday/Wednesday this week is all but gone after a few showers last night and being almost 50 F most of the day. Just the odd snow bank remaining
It's 70 here today so I'm not burning a whole lot . Spring must not be far away. I saw close to 300 sandhill cranes migrating back north today.
man, that sucks. we had a beautiful day today. windows open here also. they say rain tomorrow though.
Well, I just listened to hellasious (sp?) thunder and lightning with an outdoor temp still at 71* F. right here in Missouri, Feb 20th at 6:44 p.m. Holy Moly !! Of course I like this just a little bit better than yours yooperdave....
Just put a few splits of maple in to bring temps up a little. House was 66 and we're not used to that.
Been in the upper 40s that last few days with overnight temps staying above freezing. Just morning light reloads (4-5 smaller than average splirs) and a complete restart for the night time load. Trending back cooler now for tomorrow and the rest of next week. Highs in the lower 30s with upper teens and very low 20s predicted for lows. Still burnin' good old red oak!!
As reported Thursday, gave the hastings a good cleaning and fired it up that evening. I think I'm finally getting it dialed back in. Been running steadily since then on mostly low and medium low. Burning easy heats. Currently 43 f. in white river township, Randolph County Indiana.
The low last nite was supposed to be 32. Loaded appropriately last nite. Woke up at 4 am to 62 in 22 out. Just getting up to temp inside. Draft is acting a little wonky. May run a brush through today.
Woke up to upper 20s-tossed in a few maple and oak splits to take the chill outta the air. Temps may hit mid 50s today, no more fire till bedtime.
47 here ,no fire yesterday will lite one this afternoon as it is going to get colder and a chance for snow overnight . took advantage of two days in the 50s to do some stacking ,and may brush the chimney this morning,well seasoned has me inspired ,here are a few pictures of my warm days progress ,oak and hickory.i need to burn a bit more so i can finish these rows.
Some snow falling now. An inch at most today they say. That's better than the snow and rain Wed., Thur., Fri.
Yesterday's temps producing rain in the form of drizzle. Then snow as the temps dropped. I don't remember any sleet or freezing rain, just turned form drizzle to snow! Roads never really got ice coated as I would have expected, that's good. 25 now, no sunshine, just another dreary day.
Another dreary day here too. One of the pitfalls of living near the not so Great Lakes .Lots of overcast days year round. 39 but doesn't seem to be melting the snow . Yesterday was a dandy . Brushed the chimney this morning . About half what I normally get. Another testament to switching to oak ???? Kinda idling along on coal. Couple big pieces of kindling every few hours just to keep it alive .