I got another hook up from the tree service that brought me a couple of loads last fall. 4 miles from home, back in 40 ft off the highway, cut and load.
Now that's what I call a sweet hook up. Sign me up! I was hoping to hook up with a local tree service to get some wood from the jobs, but we have a lot of folks burning wood around here, and that connection has yet to be made for this hoarder... Some day, some day.
Awesome bear_hunter! I hope you'll be out working that pile of logs over today. More pic's then, of course!
I'd focus on hauling it as quickly as possible, even if that means you leave some of the cutting to be done at home. move the largest pieces you can handle.
I will tell you this : I usually don't have that kind of luck !! LOL. I had a man and woman stop as I was loading the 3rd load. He wanted to know if I would come cut up a big dead ash tree at his house. He said the high winds here Thursday blew it over and knocked his power lines down.
Nice score! Lots of the dead standing ash I cut is pretty much the same. Super dry and ready to go! Love it! One of my favorites to burn. Splits easy and throws a lot of heat. If anyone is looking to hook up a deal like this in your area the best thing to do is pull out the phone book and call and ask. Some tree guys sell firewood but bigger ops are just to busy to mess with it. Make sure you talk to someone in charge like the owner/foreman. Also consider calling your local utility and finding out their cutting schedule. When my crew cleared right of way for the utilities we had a group of guys right behind us knocking on homeowners doors asking if they wanted the mess the utility left cleaned up. Someone scored lots of wood that way!
I've actually got my eye on some power company leftovers. I just need to stop and ask the homeowners about it. I scored some big ash trees a couple of years ago like that.