I met up with another member the other day and we were discussing cutting wood. I explained that Im probably not the average wood hoarder. I do have cut and split firewood that I worked up that I burn but alot of the wood I burn comes from skids. There is a factory close to where I work that fabricates things out of steel. They get it in on these large skids then stack them up in their yard. I got permission to cut them on location as long as I keep the area looking decent. The saw that I use the most is a Stihl 023L with a 16"bar,3/8 picco and quick adjust chain tensioner, how much more homeowner can you get! LOL. When I get home I can easily load the wood on a 2wheeler and take down the basement. I end up mixing it with my elm and other split wood and it should last about 4 or 5 days depending on the temp. Pics to follow. Still trying to learn how this works.
Great stuff. I see a few possible turning squares,table legs and/or candlesticks too.... Havent done it for a while now,but I used to bring home 2-3 p/u loads of local hardwood dunnage from jobsite dumpsters every year.Like a treasure hunt picking through that once it was unloaded. Most would get burned,but occasionally I'd find nice pieces of Red/White Oak,Hard Maple,Hickory or clear Doug Fir.Even found about 70 ft of 3 x 4 Black Cherry in 8 ft lengths that came in a load of steel beams from a mill in Pennsylvania back in 2007.Cutting out the knots/defects I still got a bunch of clear pieces 1 to 3 ft long.
Funny how different people see different things. Im not a woodworker so its just firewood to me. I can appreciate your seeing building material though.
Funny thing is they keep bringing more out. This is my 3rd year cutting there and you cant tell Ive cut at all. I just have to move around since the newer ones they bring out are still pretty green.
I'm just a cheapskate with some talent Yes I have burned pallet material before but it's usually the left over scraps from projects. http://firewoodhoardersclub.com/forums/index.php?threads/pallet-petes-pallet-possibilities.526/
Keep the area safe & clean, helps them & you both. Probably all end trash if you weren't salvaging some of it. Good deal Lots of oak?
Yes, Im not very good at picking wood species but plenty of oak and poplar and pine. The area does look messy in the pics but when Im done I shovel up sawdust and try to toss the culls in the dumpster. I am lazy sometimes and wont do it til the next time I go.