I had such a beautiful fire going with a few oak splits, like a proud parent I had to post some pics.
Good looking blaze going on there Smoketr1973! I like your hearth- good thermal mass surrounding that stove. I have that same thermo.
Yep. Blower is on most of the time. The stove is in the basement so I try to push the heat around as far as possible.
Nice pics Smoketr1973 I never did get the blower on mine but kind of wish I did. Thought about it a few times but the price was to high for me to bother. Nice to see another PE stove here.
We have been very happy with PE. Started out with the Vista, but found we couldn't get long enough burn times. Stepped up to the Super about 8 years ago and then added a Super insert on the main level to get off the oil completely. Only need to run both when it is really cold.
Beautiful burn!!!!! I been heating with a Pacific Energy Super 27 for almost 15 yrs. It does a great job keeping us comfy in a 2000 sq ft ranch house. I think they make a fine product.
We have been able to heat our 2600 sq ft split level house quite nicely with it although the furnace has to take over on the cold nights especially at the end of the overnight burn when the kids are getting ready for school. When its anything above -5 c we have to cut back a bit so we dont cook ourselves out.
Great picture! I have had my T6 for 4 years now and have zero complaints about it. So far it has been the best stove of the three I have owned.
My PE has been super reliable.....only things I've had to do is replace gasket on secondary burn baffle(only if I remove it to clean, etc) and just put in a new door rope gasket this fall before heating season. Probably has to be the best $1000 investment I have ever made.
The local guy that did my chimney just opened up a showroom and sells PE stoves plus another brand I can't think of. Glad to see you guys like them. We are definitely looking to upgrade for next winter.