I ran across a pile of wood. I noticed it was Oak. But drove on by. However the best got to me finally. So I had to flip a U-Turn and head straight back for it. Hopefully the rest of the pile will still be there tomorrow. I'll have the saw with me. But got the more manageable piece tonight.
Forgive me Father I have sinned....alright I repent and I'm turning from my wicked ways. Don't you feel better now ??? That looks like locust
That's tough, free wood and all. I think if you hadn't turned around your hoarding card might be revoked. I'd say locust too. The bark tells the tale.
Someone changed his avatar, eh Chvymn99..... Ya think they might not notice ya now when you pull back up tomorrow for the rest of the load?
E for Excellent effort? BTW, re-rail.....Not familiar with such a contrasting ring of sapwood on Locust..... None of our BL has any noticeable sapwood....
Good deal you turn around and got it, I don't know how many times I have made a u-turn and, came away empty-handed because they were wood burners or it was promised to someone else, but no matter I will keep turning around and keep asking cuz sometimes I do get some wood