Was 0 deg. when I went to bed last night, so on went the DV, as well as a load of big OAk splits in the stove.....I could only get 6 in there. Awoke this am to 70 in the house and 14 outside. Like Yooperdave, we should hit high 20s today. Piece of cake to heat now, in that weather. Heck, I've been up for an hour and all I've done with the stove is open the air......still 70.
21 Just went to the shop unload a long awaited shipment . Hard south wind felt like well below zero. Was dressed for 21 . Froze my rear off. Getting bundled up to go haul a couple loads. Wood room is down to about 10 day supply and its wood left in there from last winter. Mostly beech . This stuff doesn't hold a fire like the oak. Past its prime. Beech and coal. Prolly gonna restock the wood room this afternoon.
Started at 6 today and got up to 27 and holding there still what a heatwave after the last couple days... Gave me a chance to hoard a cord or two today :stacke::stacke:
We had -18 this morning but tonight we're sitting at 28 degrees with the temp trending up, a nice load of Sugar Maple,Beech and a few splits of Cherry in the Liberty.
Woodgun has performed nicely through the colder weather. 22 right now with light snow falling. Ash holdin down da fort.
27 About 6" of fresh white overnite. We have really dodged a bullet here this winter. Rarely get what is forecast . The opposite is usually the case. Shorts uglies and punks at the bottom of the pile in the wood room. Prolly a weeks worth. Temps are forecast to be more in the normal range so I'm gonna make it disappear before I refill with gormet artisanal furnace chow .
It was 28 this morning with about 2-3 inches of fresh snow, the snow stopped about 20 minutes ago so maybe we have the freezing rain getting ready to start. The rain/freezing rain started around 8:30 a.m., the temp is at 32.
46 now time to do a little cleaning of the stove before relighting ,quite a temperature change from -9 two days ago.
OK. Before I say this, keep a level head. It is in the mid 30`s and I am burning COAL! My wood pile is just sitting there untouched for the most part this winter.
2-3 inches of wet snow this am and then above freezing in the afternoon. no fire at all but will have one overnight.saved a few splits today. they say this weekend it will be warm so i will clean out some ash. good evening guys!
Pushing 50 cm of snow here today. Ottawa-Kingston area broke the record today for most snowfall in one day....did that back at about 40 cm. I'm actually amazed at that. I guess the really massive snowstorms we've had in the past must have been over more than one day......this is light powdery snow and easy to shovel, although the wind has blown the snow into some pretty impressive drifts. Artan started refusing to get off the steps when the snow got up to his eyes. I shoveled some paths for him, but he is trained not to do his business except in the woods, so the situation is starting to get interesting.....He'll walk in the paths, but that's it. Can't wait til the road gets plowed. Hopefully it will be before the end of the day tomorrow. Otherwise I may have to o some serious shoveling for the pooch tomorrow. My stacks are completely covered at this point. So, a digging chore there tomorrow too.
Heading down to mid single digits tonight. Last of the cold for at least a week! Possible upper 40s by Friday and for the weekend. Flirting with a possible 50 somewhere in there. Smaller loads of red oak will be doing the trick. Looks like consistent highs around freezing or a little above for highs at least the next 10 days, with lows around 20.