We braved the extreme wind and cold today and did a Norway maple removal. Man was it cold! With temps hovering in the low single digits and the wind chill well below zero, it made for an interesting takedown. The gaffs barely would penetrate the tree, and the hinge wood snapped quick. At any rate, we got the job done! Don't let that sunshine fool ya......that was COLD out there!! That's my buddy Joe in the tree, he did some climbing and I did some climbing. It was so damm cold that we each put some time on the ground to warm up... Using that wonderful MS461 that my FHC family gave me for Christmas. I love that saw!! Final cleanup in a heavy squall. Another satisfied homeowner! Even with the hazards of the house and power/phone/cable lines, it went without a hitch. Ended up with two trucks full of maple.
Ouch thats a cold day of work.... be careful out there im visiting family in PA and saw there was a horrible accident due to a squall this morning
Awesome job! Hope you got warmed up once ya got home! It's also great to read about you and "the" saw....
It WAS frozen solid. The gaffs had a hard time penetrating the tree. The wood cut ok, but that frozen wood is kinda hard on the chain....
Yep had a little of this today on the big part of the red oak I was working. Yes sir Scotty it was cold out today but it was beautiful with the sun and snow.
I know I've commented on this before and no disrespect to the head cheese around here.....big question for you.....WILL YOU WEAR A PAIR OF CHAPS IF I SEND YOU SOME BROTHER ???
Please, please, do wear them all the time. I hit my thigh with the saw while limbing a Maple tree on the ground climbing over branches a few years back, If I wasn't wearing the chaps......
Nice work scotty! Sure was a cold one out there yesterday. But hey a job's a job right? Hopefully your fingers have thawed out by now!
Looking at the cuts on that main trunk reminded me of a few years back. Guy calls me to come get a White Oak he had dropped in his yard. He had told me a few weeks earlier he was having it taken down. Nice tree. The trunk on it was about 18". When I got there my heart sank. The guys who dropped the tree bucked the trunk into "Hockey Pucks." They were 6 to 8" cookies. I had promised to take it. So, I brought it home and cut what square pieces I could out of it. The rest went to the brush pile at the dump. What a waste of a great tree. The cuts on this tree look at least twice as long as the cuts on that one were. I want to be clear I'm not criticizing your work here. Just looking at the pic reminded me of that incident.
Getting up in the tree with the cold breeze must have been a new kind of refreshing! Glad it went well for you and i hope thete was hot chicken soup when you got home.
For sure climbing has to be difficult in this weather. Glad you didn't slip! Taking turns up in the tree was probably a good thing for both of you.
Ray, why didn't you go ahead and burn those cookies anyway? Sort of a pain sometimes to put in the stove but would still be great for daytime burning. Sort of like using cut-offs from lumber. Takes a lot of them but it is still good heat.