I wear alpaca socks everyday for work during the winter and being out in it on my feet in everything from slush to four feet of snow for twenty hours sometimes I will tell you I love them! Warm even when damp and don't seem to itch like wool
Thanks Eric VW. How high do these socks go? Can you wear them with hunting boots or are they just for short shoes? Either way I think I'll have to give them a try because I have a terrible problem with cold feet. Even something with 2000 grams of thinsulate and wearing merino wool socks, me feet will get cold even in 30 degree temperature or higher! A terrible problem to have and it is not a circulation problem as I have excellent circulation. It is an old polio problem.
The saying I have a gone by was wear quality wool and work hard and you will never be cold in any weather. Would wear wool socks in summer to keep feet cool as well, good insulator either way. Nowadays it's hard to find good quality wool clothing, can get all kinds of Chinese wool that you can hold up to the light and see through.
We did a decent sized Norway maple removal today, single digits most of the day with a howling wind..... I love cutting in the cold too, but that wind made it miserable climbing the tree. .
These socks will get up to at least mid calf, mine go up to the top of my calf.... Glad I could help you with the info on them..... I shoulda sent you a pair for FHC SS Perhaps.....
I cut in the winter too, into spring. I'll split after I get the wood out of the woods. Mud will dictate what I do in the woods. That's where I'm at too, in the plan but I should be 3 years ahead by this spring. I didn't go out today as tomorrow will be much nicer temps to work outside. It was a high of 7 here today. Tomorrow will be in the mid 20's.
Yes ma'am. That's me..... It's not that bad once you learn the techniques, but you always gotta be on your toes!
Here, as a pole climber, I remember that I always had to be on my heels. On my toes was inviting a kickout.
I've only climbed trees for the heck of it, and I've only ever climbed a tree with a chainsaw once. I knew what you meant.
Snowin' today and tomorrow, I ain't ah leavin' da dang house fer two many free days! The reward for being 5 years ahead.
The only socks I know of that are made here in the States if Fox River which are made in Wisconsin. They still make good stuff. But I won't wear wool in the summer. I tried it and found the old saying to be false. Feet get really hot in summer wearing wool unless it would be super lightweight and I don't think they make wool light weight enough for that.