My LED desktop computer screen now has a thin green vertical line in it. Doesn't matter what site I am on. Turned it on and off and it is still there. New today . Any ideas? Odd, now it is gone?????
I believe that indicates screen failure. It may last for a while like that, may get worse, or may fail suddenly. If it is warranty, better bring it back ASAP.
Video card or screen going kaflooie. You could try reloading the video card driver, but it sounds like a hardware failure.
That's true, it could be the card. I have had one start leaving "artifacts" when it overheated due to fan failure. Regardless, it is a hardware issue, almost certainly, of one sort or another.
I run two screens at the same time. Often have multiple programs going at once. I can watch Netflix on one side and be in the forum, newspaper, amazon etc. on the other side. Anyway, the line is gone for now. I'll keep an eye out for any occurrences. Replanting a screen isn't so costly now so I won't mess with it if it becomes an interference. All I could think of was those tv's and how they looked when they started to go. Odd.
savemoney , is the video a card, or built onto the motherboard? Got another compatible card you could throw in as a test? Maybe the card's fan is loaded with dust/hair and it's overheating, as bushpilot suggested.
The green line of death. Just keep an eye on it. If it reappears, and won't disappear, then it's replacement time.
I updated to one of those fancy lcd flat screen monitors about5 years ago and loved it! For about a week. Little white dots during the use of it. Brought it back to the store for a full refund and i have been back to the old tube type monitor since! Kids get a real kick out of it when they see the setup!!! Good luck with the "green mile" thing!
I must say, I have had much better luck with lcd screens than I had with the old crt screen. The best part is that they stay in tight focus!