Was 7 when I got up this morning down to 4 now wind chill at -14 so this is how you keep that cold outside
Mid 20's and windy. Just refilled with red oak. One of my few mid-day loads this winter. Looks like it is going to continue through the weekend and then warm back up.
Low twenties currently. We'll be all oak until early next week. Saturday night lows down to -5 to -12 with wind chills as low -30. Will probably have a sleepover in the living room Saturday night!
It's about 4 degrees this afternoon, we're burning some Sugar Maple & Ironwood. We'll be running both the wood stove and the pellet stove through this cold snap.
Wind chill advisory is out for temps as low as -30. And I read it a little farther and it also said moderate to heavy snow. Hmmm! Looks like a good weekend to be in the "Dave cave"!!!
It's minus two tonight, dropping like Backwoods Savage after being hit with an iron skillet by Mrs. Backwoods Savage .
20s now and going down a bit to the teens tonight. so back to burning maple splits and just lit the pellet burner to stave off frostbite. hahaha
Got home from work this evening and am off till Tuesday. With lows of -5 and wind chills of 30 below the next couple days I decided to tune up the Napoleon 1401 before I fired it up for the next 4 days, well that was fun! Got around to putting new air wash gasket in, what a PITA getting the 4 small bolts back in that hold it in place, took like 20 minutes and lots of verbal encouragement but I got em in. Wire brushed the secondary burn tube and gave the glass a good scrubbing. She's purring away now on a load of oak an ash. Got the wood rack stocked, fresh bottle of makers opened and ready to hunker down for the next couple days.
Mid teens dropping to double digits below tomorrow night. Got another inch of snow today. Nice light snow all day. So peaceful on a hectic day. Locust, apple and oak.
We would like to see about six more inches of snow so we could hit the trails on the sleds once the cold leaves.
Woodgun boiler is doing an nice job. I have basement thermostat turned up to 82 for a couple hours. Then I'll turn it back down before bed. Toasty floors and slow and steady heat rising up the stairway is always nice.
Yes! Do you have the plates attached to the underside of the subfloor or the plywood grooved out under finished flooring. I've installed both with my brother years ago when he was a radiant floor engineer up in NY on LI. Lots of PEX installed.