Not this year though! Normally that's the case - as we'll usually get Lake Effect from both Erie and Ontario. What you see in my avatar pic is about as much accumulation as we've had. I only shoveled my driveway once this year, and that was only because I wanted to use the lawn mower to move some firewood around. I'm not complaining - I had to dig trenches through my woods and 3' of snow last February so I could tap my maples. I also got to poke fun at some friends who fled to Virginia to escape all the snow here... I see NY plates and tags - probably just a WNY'er on his way to work. We don't get days off for snow like that - it's just another day in paradise.
Not really. There are many places that get much more snow than Buffalo. It is just that Buffalo gets media coverage. I remember when we lived near Gaylord, MI and we'd hear about Buffalo getting all the snow. I remember one year when we got 75" more snow than they did. No, we didn't make the news.
It's illegal in PA. Slabs of snow or ice can do serious damage to a following car. If it's going to come off that easy, might as well be a man and brake check in your own driveway. Because dumping snow on a cleared road is illegal too.
Well you just straightened it right now, I stand corrected. I think you need more whiney newsman to report it. The whiney reporter gets the coverage.
i have 1 question and 1 observation about the pic of the car with the igloo on top; 1. i wounder if that radio antenna lived to fight another day? 2. he looks very unhappy is left of center, and headed straight for the photographer!
They eventually did but it took a while. We live on a corner and the main road was done but my driveway is off the side road so I was plowed in.