Back during the summer a good friend gave me the frame to his daddy's homemade splitter. Made back in the early 80's and it has sat ever since the thing got involved in a fire 8 years ago! The axle was rusted out, fluid tank gone. Bad motor, so a good long project to spend some time on. Just about got all my welding done, made the axle into fluid reservoir itself, and got all my parts together, ready for prime and paint!
Also what pump? Since you've got skills, I'd add a sorting table. There's nothing worse than having to pick up pieces off the ground.
Well I have a 8 horse tecumsa for the motor, and picked up a 13 gpm pump. And for the ram, scored on a 4 in. bore ,24 in. stroke cylinder that was lying around at my buddy's shop. I think it came off of an old dozer or something? So I'm gonna try all that out and see what it does. I've just had so much to do, little mama keeps me a honey do list the majority of the time! All work and no play!!!!!!
and the rest of the quote is: "makes for a dull boy/man" Great looking project! keep us posted when you get around to making it happen.
I'll try to get more pics as I gain process, think I might try to get some done over the weekend. Currently working third shift so my sleep schedule is off a bit!