Cold weather is highs in single digits, lows in negative. Last couple of years had 5-6 -18* nights each, and usually have a month or so in that highs are single digits. We've only had a couple of nights below zero (barely) and high temps at 10.
in the old days.... when there was really cold weather we had to walk to school...uphill....both ways.....
I did a little extra work on the stove this weekend and wanted your opinion on the exhaust chamber ash . This is from October to present.
Just wanted a professional eye . Also do you wait for your stove to cool down before pulling the burn pot clean out ?
Laugh, but the sandals that I have had for the last 8 years have retread tires for soles (and leather upper). and yes, I wear them during winter when doing short chores outside (even in snow - although not deep snow).
No, I don't let it cool unless I'm doing a good cleaning and even then I don't let it cool that much. If we get half decent weather I'll be doing the LBM this weekend.
Russell, Let us know how the red silicon works? But IMHO, Putting the red 600ºF silicon on the thermocouple might not be a good idea..... It could get hotter than 1800ºF in that area. I'd think something with a higher rating might be better suited for that. Maybe some rock wool to wedge in it or something?
Your correct I thought maybe because I didn't give it enough curing time but it's been drying up and falling off in a matter of days . I'm thinking the cement idea .
Careful with that chit, It don't like to come off too easy. But I guess if you get it right it won't need to come off. Always wondered why they didn't have a baetter way of keeping it on and in the pot where it needs to be plus a way to keep the chit out of the tube??
NO! Burning NEWP...last year they were great...this year they suck!!! Anything halfway decent in my neck of the woods costs a fortune...would love to try cherry pits or some other biomas fuel, just nothing to be had in NH...
Welcome to the show my friend NEWP are not liked here they suck most of the time you must have got that rare batch where they got it right last year
My man slvrblkk won a free ton of NEWP a few years back he hates them and won't burn them and they were Free, Steve how much of that ton do you still have left ?? I guess 30+ bags