Here are some pics finally. Up the street at the airport they claimed 30". It was halfway up my fence posts so easily over 2 feet. It didn't take long to start settling down of course. I have me some serious snowblower envy. I know $2k will get me a solid 3pt used blower, but it's not like I have that kind of cash waiting around. But for any serious snowfall the blower would just blast up and down that driveway in one pass. The driveway, before I did my second clearing on Sunday. Put some of the horses out to play on Sunday. That little white speck is a barn cat who was in no hurry to get out. I might need all new gutters come spring time. We'll see.
I was convinced 2 winters ago that I was selling my truck & plow, so I started looking at used blowers. My tractor is only a 21hp (16hp pto) so I was looking at a 48-60" max. These things are hen's teeth used. Fast forward the boring stuff, found a Buy It Now in Jersey for $700 (during the end of summer). After gas, buying my dad breakfast & lunch, I was looking at a little over $800 for a barely used, 2 year old blower with no paint even scuffed. They are out there, just keep looking. I'll give myself a "you suck."
you can't force a deal. they come along on their on free will. you need to be ready when good stuff comes along. sounds like you got a great one!
The deals are out there but if you're looking for a killer deal, you''l have to wait it out and be prepared to act fast once you find it!
dgeesaman, if you seriously want a 4 to 5 foot snoblower, in May, I suggest you expand your search farther north as we had a slow snow year tends to put them and snowmobiles cheap then. Are we talking rear mount.. I got a 76 inch meteor for 2 grand brand new...I wanted wider as its a 50 horsepower and always want blower wider than back tires
I'm late to the party.... Here's a pic of the night before.....the snow hadn't started falling yet, what you see on the ground was stuff that fell earlier in the week. By the next morning we had 12" on the ground, ended up with close to 15" total by the storms end at 11am..... The awesome sled riding hill out across my neighbors field on their farm. The hill is alocally famous spot for sledding, it has been since the town was founded over 150 years or so's a lot bigger than it appears in the pic.... From the top of the hill looking east towards our house.... Packed all the kids in the Otter sled for some rides down the hill...we all had a blast!! Half the town was up there sledding. Reminded me of the good old days..... A look out our street in the evening. I put quite a few miles on the sled this past weekend, although the first half hour I had it out after clearing the snow, I busted a rear suspension spring. Had to tear the track out of it to fix it. Ugh..... On Sunday I was finally able to go after that huge white oak on the farm and start processing it. That monster was blown over several years back during Hurricane Sandy, I've been pining to go after it. We just haven't had the weather to get after it. There's just something about being up in the woods running chainsaws in the snow......I love the woods in the winter!! The trail that leads up to that huge blowdown....
Yeah, unfortunately it ain't gonna last long. Big warm-up coming. I sure hope we get some more cold, or else it's gonna screw-up our maple syrup season....again....
Yes, they did for about a half hour. Then they got tired and went to munching hay again. Just like they do when they're inside. I had to bop the one on the butt with a snowball before we got the really good shots. There were many other good images: Roze Arabians - Winter Snow Fun | Facebook That would be about perfect. I've seen used snowblowers on CL off and on but never shopped seriously. Anytime I have $2k cash lying in wait it goes to other good projects. Maybe it will be recoating the barn roof, or installing a generator. But not likely all of them. After the last 3 winters, I'm going to consider it at least as a snow insurance policy.
winter sledding memories, good deal! i used to drag my offspring around on a disc sled with the quadrunner. time spent with your kids is like an investment that pays the best dividends! beautiful oak will keep you guys warm a long time. ps nice looking place you have.
I picked up a used Whites 2-stage snowblower this past summer on a FB yard sale page. Guy was asking 125 for it, I offered him 100 bucks and one of my chainsaw carved pumpkins, he was tickled..... And after a tune up, that snowblower ran great! I got my money back last Saturday morning from it!!
Scotty Overkill there is a lot of wood in that one tree! Perhaps by Monday though, all that white stuff will be gone. Time to get ready for tapping!