This is the first real snow we've had all year. Last week we had a quick inch but that was it. We normally don't get too much snow here especially for being in Pa.
You got a doozie for the first snow! I'm expecting a similar deal here anytime - some week we'll get a 14" storm, and 8" three days later, and then a 6" snow two days later, and then.........poof.......New Hampshire arrives! Cheers!
That monster storm rolled through our area Tuesday night. Dropped about a 1/2" of sleet and a little more snow. Here is what's left. Buckle down and stay safe and warm.
I was at our gun club rifle range when I took the picture. That is part of the Baffles that are in place every 25 yards out to a hundred yards. They were put in place to discourage shooting over the berm.
This is what drives me nuts when it snows here. In lake effect country this would have been cleared last night. The neighbors have some big equipment so they'll beat the township to it. I sure hope they do because I can't get
Since we don't want to put too much tax money into trucks, plows, and drivers, it just takes a bit longer here. I tried to keep that in mind as I push-scooped my way down my driveway for hours yesterday. I want a 3pt 2 stage snowblower for the tractor, but even over my lifetime it would end up costing $500 per time I'd get to legitimately use it.
Patients, that snow was an exception. We pay a lot up here to keep the snow removed in a timely manner. But this is snow country, so we know it is necessary. Same reason so many folks here have 4 WD .
VDOT finally showed up and opened the road so now I can at least get out, guess it's back to the fun and games of the the freight business tomorrow. We'll see how that goes, it's always fun after a snow like this getting in and out of business loading docks with the 18 wheeler, always an adventure.
Great pics! Reminds me of the scene here last year. Still no big storms yet here - didnt get one flake from this one. Figured I had better restock the porch in just in case Ma nature decides to play catch-up here too. Still only a couple inches on the ground here. So I put the new compost bins in the back yard today too.
As soon as I heard about this storm I took off Monday. We haven't run normal line haul since Wednesday so it's gonna be a disaster. A disaster I'm not taking part in
Yeah, my parents in North East haven't had too much yet either. My dad has been giving me the
I did that Friday right as it started to It was a terrible oversight not to have already had it full but that might have been one of the best moves I've made! Here's a few pics of me moving the wood at the last possible In the last picture I'm driving way too fast for conditions but we made it and got the rack filled! Also left a full load on the wagon when I pulled it into the garage which was huge for the weekend!