No pictures yet. Woke up to 12" and probably close to 18 now. I cleared some snow with the tractor from the house to the barn and didn't even bother to make the run to the road. Not sure if I'll regret that.
North East Connecticut near MA & RI border ...took the pic minutes ago. Look just started.
View from the porch-It's all but over here, down to 9* tonight is the forecast-Stay in, stay warm my friends
I grew up north of Buffalo. We'd call all these pics a light dusting. Living in NE Ohio now is actually pretty nice for the region overall. Most big weather systems follow the Ohio river valley topography south of here, and the lake effect off Erie dies off halfway here. Only an inch of old stuff on the ground.
Nice looking stacks Drvn4wood I have some of my stacks under tarps as well. One thing I find is that once November rolls around I dont have to worry about the tarps blowing around in the wind because of all the snow that sits on top of them all winter! Ashwatcher I really like your wood shed! Looks like you get lots of air through them which is perfect! They look familiar so I must have seen them posted here before. How many true cords can you fit in there?
I grew up just east of Erie in North East. This would be a decent storm there. Nice part about it up there though is how much better it's handled. We'll be a mess for weeks
Only have about 12"-15" here, they were calling for up to 2 ft guess we got lucky. I grew up in Somerset County Pa where this would be just another winter day, but here it shuts everything down. The first pic is out the front window and the 2nd is what my wife fixed for me to warm up by after I cleared the driveway with the tractor and blower.
Thanks Sean I have the ends shadow boarded and the floor is expanded metal so it does get maximum air-flow as my prevailing wind is from the west and the shed faces south---each bay holds a cord and I prob get another face cord of uglies thrown in between the stacks so the shed holds +/- about 6 cords total
Not on the side of the woodshed but yes, around the curve on the long side of the driveway my mailbox has been punted down the hill several times as it sets just prior to the the past a car or two a year on average but now the guard rail usually catches them...the embankment behind the shed has a lot of rocks facing the road on the other side and I left those trees as bumpers too....
I'd almost rather see your great shed now as it is in your avatar pic! Come get some ours out of our yard, Ash!
No sir, thanks for your observation but it's all insulated-they probably result from the heat in the garage and the incredible warmth upstairs-I also insulated the inside walls downstairs, kind of a thing with me...
Drvn4wood got some snow! Can't believe we missed another one in NH - a lot of bare ground here and the rest is a thin crust - no more than 6" so far for me - crazy light year so far for snow and not much coming per the longterm forecast. I'm loving the light year - be safe and warm to all of you in the blizzard! Won't be long till NH is right there with you! Cheers!