I couldnt figure it out. Read it about 3x and just moved on figuring you were "drunk" haha. Makes sense now
13 now and steady snow. Oak and coal roasting me out . Heading out to do some outside work. FunWow ! Gonna put winter tires on my pickup. Been so busy getting everyone else ready for winter my tires have been on backburner.
13 out this morning. First full winter with the stove, put it in in March last year and didn't get temps below 30 or so. This silver maple is burning up quick with these temps, keeping the temp around 71 in stove room though. Upstairs is chilly. Going out to grab some ash and oak and see if we can't get the rest of the house up a few degrees. Lots of trial and error figuring it all out with these low temps. Not suppose to get over 15 today with 20-30 mph winds.
-16 this morning with a high just above zero for the day. Should warm up by mid week. Burning oak and elm mostly.
Still upper teens here.... windy. Temps around 9°F with the wind. Hearing more and more about a good snowstorm this Fri thru Sat. I know Scotty Overkill is pumped!
Woke up to 7F this morning. Looking at a high around 20F and back down to single digits tonight. The FPI just isn't able to keep up at these temps so I had to fire up the old smoke dragon in the back room. Nice and toasty in here now. Mostly ash and a hickory split thrown in for the longer burn time.
Was down to -18 when I woke up this morning, house was down to 68 upstairs. 72 when I went to bed. I'll take that! Fired up the NG fireplace to warm the bones of the house up upstairs and got the stove rolling downstairs agian too. Was at 73 when I left for work. Should be about 68 when I get back home again..... I hope. Sitting at -1 according to my phone, which is about our high for the day! Warming up to 20s by mid week and then near freezing for the weekend! Won't have to watch my hard work disappear so fast!!
How large of a space are you heating with the insert? My Napoleon is doing well with 1200sf 2 story cape. It is 13 out with 20 mph winds. It's fairly new to me but getting it all figured out. Was a little chilly this morning as I was going on 8 hours with a load of sliver maple. Got the box full of ash and oak now and the temp is climbing throughout the house.
Never got above zero here today. Yes, it was a cold day at work. Tomorrow is better. Wind chill was -29 when I was shoveling this morning before leaving for work.
13 here with winds up to 18 mph. 73 in the house burning black cherry and american elm. My tiny fancy blue rock just surprised me by running up to 700 STT; highest before this was 610 and normally goes to 550 with amazing consistency. Guess the draft must really be pulling today - same old cherry and elm I've been burning all season.
good evening guys, those of you with brutal temps need to be careful outside. those are dangerous temps. yea i have to say, i read what canadian border had to say several times also. thought hmmmm must still be drinkin! any how this morning my car said it was 4 degrees and it is only 12 now. the wife has been burning maple all day . the house is actually too warm. and to you locust post, you are not alone in this stressful time of life, we are here with you. good luck with dad, he needs you now.
Exactly....and I was thinking how you would have loved reliving those times if you'd been watching too. Wait, did I just admit I'm old?
It's 11 degrees heading down, I just tossed on three splits until I load the Liberty up for the overnight burn. I also set the Pellet Stove on 77 for the night.