I'm sure I am not alone here. Since my family and friends know I heat with wood, and them thinking I have "tons and tons" of wood I often am the wood supply guy. Going to my sister in laws for her house warming party and she asked if I could bring some firewood for the fire pit. I don't tell family no so hence the car is loaded down. I didn't grab from any stacks though. Just cleaned up ugliest and what not from my splitting area lol. Oh and I am bringing 2 stumps for Stump Game.
Gooder of ya to kick in the heat! Don't think I've played "Stump Game?" Does it involve the box of nails in front of the wood?
Good on you. I usually bring the wood whenever we go camping or somewhere we are going to have a fire. Is "stump game" where you try and bury nails into the stump while passing the hammer around and making up rules as you go, all the while partaking in adult beverages? We call it "hammerschlagen".
I'm more than happy to unload what I don't want in my stacks..lol.. All the punky and odd stuff goes to my buddy with an owb or coworkers with fire pits..
I often supply wood for campfires and similar things, but I do the same you did - I give away stuff I don't really want to keep for the stove. My rationale is that dry wood burns too fast in a campfire, and lightweight wood is more fun in a campfire because you get to add more wood frequently. Am I rationalizing?
I give one of my neighbors wheel barrow loads of cookies and shorts from trimming back tree service rounds that he burns in his chiminea. I draw the line at loading my car with it.
A friend has a fire once in a while and invites some folks over, he usually calls me and asks if I can bring some wood. I always do, he works for a beer company. Good trade.
We have a group of friends that we get together with on a regular basis and often its around a portable fire pit in a culdesac. One of the pits is a dryer drum mounted on a lawn mower frame. LOL pretty red neck eh? Anyways one of my buds who grew up in a house that was heated with wood said I must dislike bringing firewood to the gatherings because its wasted fuel. I was impressed that he got it but I told him nah its all good.
Sean, this was a great post! The dryer drum has me wishing I was there! And the thing about bringing wood to a gathering, that's what the native people did, we are all social animals. There is no higher use of fire wood than to share it in memories with friends.
I'll bring the wood for whatever get together my friends come up with.....and if someone calls and needs some firewood to make it through a cold spell, I'll do what I can, when I can, to help them out. That doesn't mean I'll supply a lazy guy with wood for the winter though! My community though has quite a few elderly folks that are either my family or, somehow had a hand in raising me.
I won't help lazy either. I know people who say " If TSHF " they are coming to my house. I don't think so.
Be real carefull with that stump game. I know a kid who was at a police academy graduation party, they were playing the game and the nail took out one of the young mans eye. Needless to say the guy lost his eye and lost his job that he just spent six months in the academy for. Be careful I enjoy drinking beer around a fire but after this happened no stump game for me.