It's still 22 out with a forecast low of 13, after the 3rd period is over I'll load up the Liberty with some Ironwood,Sugar Maple and Beech.
Cold here in south central WI, 3 degrees going down to -10 tonight, burning splits of red oak with a mix of soft maple, the house is a comfortable 78 degrees fairly new to the group and enjoying reading all the good stuff on here and seeing all the people that share my passion for cutting splitting and burning wood! I grew up with wood heat, dad always said firewood warms you 4 times, when you cut it, when you split it, when you stack it and when you put it in the stove.
A good hearty ol' fashioned New England welcome to you Kevin WI, if you like burning and all that goes into to get you there, you'll like it here.
Mid 20's here, we just got a couple or 3" of snow. Mid teens tonight, burning sticks and Oak pallet runners. House is real warm and stove has lots of coals, so my fire is actually a small one.
Welcome Kevin WI like you say... being around like minded folks lets you know youre not completely crazy Its 29 now for us, man I cant remember the last time it was this warm! Its nice for a change. Burning a bit of lodgepole as usual but not stuffing the stove full, if I did I would be roasted out!
Same here. I have to get some bucking and hauling done this weekend. I'll suck it up, whatever it is. It's 2° out now, heading to minus whatever. I'm burning shagbark hickory and I could care less about OAT.
it sure is screwy but its 26 now and we got about an inch and a half of snow so i guess its winter after all
papadave , I'd like to see a picture of the roof rake in action if you feel like taking a picture. Don't know how I would rake my house if we were in a snow belt - two story home with too many valleys; the rake would need to be 50 feet long for me to reach the peak from the ground.
No it doesn't! It simply means you have other completely crazy people to keep you company. Welcome Kevin WI , a wholesome hobby and warm house is my kind of completely crazy .
10 here, 69 at the 6:00 am reload burning black cherry and american elm. Winter is here with 4-5 inches of snow on the ground, time to break out the Soroc Sports Sled "Sporty" to re-stock my wood supply in the garage later this morning.