If you should ever make it up that way, you should spring for a few bags of Olympus... Don't go that far, and not do it.... they are worth it!!!! Dan
I 've been burnin mostly Clean fire and Pro pellets. I think I like the Clean fires better, they are a little cleaner, less clinkers/ ash in the fire pot. I do have several bags of left over Somersets, a few bags of Blazers and a few Ambience that will get the what for if it ever gets cold again. The cleaning before last I found a few clumps of ash in the pan that had a tint of green in them. I had burned mostly Pro pellets that week. Anyone else have that with the Pro pellets? Will nice job with the Sets !! I would love to find another ton of those.
I'm not really liking these pro pellets. There not horrible, but nothing to wright home about. I don't see myself buying them again.
$ 5.18 at Lowe's now that the dumb azz store manager finally dropped the price . Those Set's have been hanging around for almost 3 months they got them late Oct.
I was afraid you were going to say that. I don't have anything against them - just a long azz ride that would cost me a bunch in gas (without the extra load from pellets). And, I have a personal aversion to that town - very bad memories.
What's a Long azz ride in NH ?? I lived in Littleton back in the day early 80's and my Honey and I would cruise down to Nashua to go the mall about a 2 hr ride and on the way home we grab a 6 of Lowenbrau , I'd have one twisted up for the road and before we knew it we was home Wouldn't do that today , but was young and dumb and lived to tell about it
Depends on a couple of things. Like age... and mood... A ride to Dunkin' Donuts 2 miles away, is a long azz ride, if the joint is full, and I turn around and go home.......... Mostly because my head is about to explode, because it seems that they now serve everything BUT donuts.......... Dan
Oh... I saw the light years ago, when they actually discontinued the actual "dunkin" donut.. with the handle.... and started selling all the croissants, pizzas, chicken salad, shakes... And the people who were standing in line for 10 minutes, would have to ask all sorts of questions about how many cream cheese spreads they had when they were next... That's why I stopped carrying my 9mm........... Dan
oh... okay... that's why I 'quote' the ones I reply to...... (But I'm sticking with the DD bomb, regardless)
It's 90 minutes one way if I'm lucky (and I'm usually not). I drive 45 min to work everyday, sit at my desk for 10-12 hours, then another 45 minutes back home. Unless of course, it is snowing and people can't drive; have spent 2 hours getting home several times. Don't want to be sitting for 3 hours and deal with idiots on the road on my time off (unless I'm on the bike - I can do that all day long).
b maybe one day you can do what we did. Just happened to be in the general area on vacation, so stopped in and grabbed a few bags while we were passing through. Only 3 bags of Olympus DF that time. Next time, we are stocking up! It was nice to finally meet and chat with Dan and Henry too.