, and farts. I'll bring the topic train back on it's rails. It's 2° out. Fire's a choochin', beech and hickory blasting out 625°. I'm hanging out in my underwear in the stove room. I'll spare you the selfie, that I won't take. Here's a photo bomb of Badger though.
37f right now going to 25 in mourn. Load of oak and locust. The last pic is of the last small piece of locust I put up front. It blocked the others so I took a pic without it.
Looks like winter is here, lucked out on the snow though, only couple inches of snow on the ground, 16 °F outside, Wind Speed W 18 G 26 mph. No matter, brought about 3 days of wood in the house yesterday. Burning a mixed load tonight, a couple ash splits, the rest white oak and shagbark hickory
13 right now, with a little snow. Full load of Oak and a couple splits of Maple just about ready to shut down for the night. Opened the door to let the dogs in, and the inside temp dropped from 68-66. That'll be short lived.
16º outside, 74º inside.....just engaged the cat on a mixed load, sugar maple, beech, red oak and a small hickory. Some nice splits of locust on deck for morning.
It is my dogs fault, his name is Rilee, don't blame pete, he was taking credit for Rilee (I mean WWW)
Currently at nothing outside. I know I have to shovel before I leave for work and more is on the way. Fun, right?
22 here Load of Hedge and Honey Locust rockin' & rolling .... Could be a long day so I need a long burn...
Got into the 40s mid day yesterday. Started dropping like a rock around 2. Snow rolled in around 5. 10 degrees now with 12"+ snow. Right on the edge of a lake band.10 miles north of us got pounded .Most of the schools on the lake shore and just inland are closed. Oak and coal load.
We have 21 this morning with some nice wind gust, we went without a fire overnight so we filled the Liberty up with Beech this morning.
High's in the 30's for us all week. Low's in the teens. Digging through the wood pile to pull out lots of hickory for those long, overnight burns.
Hit -18 by early this morning at 5:30, house was at 68 with a little NG assistance. I set it a little higher when its this cold to keep the house core temp up so I don't have to fight the cold so hard to get it back. -7 still right now headed for 7 above. Loaded the stove before heading to work. Imagine the furnace will run a bit as I won't get back to load the stove for about 11 hours!
Went down to 11 last night. Woke to 64 in the house, since I slept in until 8:45. A few splits of various sizes on the coals and an hour later we were back to 70. 73 right now, almost 3 hours later, and mostly coals left from that load. I didn't shut the air down all the way, so it didn't last very long. Forecast of 17, 18, or 19, so shouldn't be a problem keeping the house warm. Due for 9 tonight, so I might turn on the DV before bed to help out.
I'm on the FHC map, but northern lower Mi, near Atlanta. That's about 1/2 way between Alpena and Gaylord. Or, right where I want to be.
But wouldnt I need to know where you were to see where you were on the map? Anyway that description was fine. More looking for state and region of said state.
Yeah, that's why I added the rest. It's a little chilly up here right now, but not like last year........or the year before.