Lowes is the only real option being only 18 miles away, I have two HD 's both about 55 miles in opposite directions. Lowe's had something called Green Team? and Timber Heat?
Both of those are good pellets. But no where near worth the price Lowe's wants. I am burning the last of my FSU's right and they are doing very well. They are a bit on the small side this year though.
Digging around in the basement the other day and uncovered a bag of Heartland Pine pellets that had gotten moved to an outta the way place and covered up with stuff They were purchased in fall 1994 from Home Depot. They only had them one season. Opened the bag and still great shape Dumped them into the Quad and life was good. Always wished we could have bought more. Anyone here use them
Win for the oldest bag of pellets burned this season ? .. Not displeased w/ the Granules LG & Cleanfire Pacific burning now, but they are last season's stock (May 15) / dunno if current if this year's batch is better vs. worser. Burned the last bags of Okie Platinum through the other week (again last season stock) - meh, but IIRC they were not produced or bagged at the Okie plant (due to closure/being off-line), so again I dunno about current product. Fully agree that (3) test bags 'may' not be enough to judge an entire season, thinking back on it, that's why I loved the CF Pacifics last year, because I could pickup multiple batches, weekly, at the fuel station local to work (price not-withstanding). Dammed LaCretes and Olympus DF have ruined me - I want to say screw everything else and go by tonnage right now.
The Lacretes I bought this year are the hottest pellet I have ever burned.I love em.I still want to try some Douglas fir pellets and compare them.
I volunteer to help him quit his habit - you keep him distracted with an intervention and I will clean out his stash
I'm sitting on 3 tons or so of Pro Pellets. They work out fairly well. Somewhere in the far corners of the barn are about 15 bags of Somersets. I haven't had a need to go digging for the rocket fuel yet.
i feel your pain. I've been burning Blackstone mostly, with a few GT's from last year. my P51 is a set and forget stove, so i cant judge heat other than it kept the house at 70 with the fan on med, and didn't burn much. I'll switch to easyblaze syp for january/feb as i loaded a ton in the garage a couple weeks ago.
Not as happy with the big heats as i was last year. Not putting off the heat like before but still burning pretty clean. The timber heats are hotter than big heats this year. Thinking of trying some of the clean energy that lowes has skids of, if they ever drop their prices
Your Lowe's still keeping prices up $5.98 ?? They finally dropped here to $5.18 Clean Energy great pellet re bagged Hamer's Hot Ones
will711 just checked online. Both stores local to me dropped to $5.58bag. They've both got over 2k bags if online inventory is correct. Hopefully they'll drop again.