Seeing we had a little blast of cold weather I thought it was time to check in with everyone . Easyblaze has been my main pellet , overall a good pellet a little inconsistent on size and somewhat crumbly so my # 3 go to .
NO, Let me describe it this way , what was I thinking, three bags are not enough to decide on a whole season.... there are just too many variables Thanks for asking!!!
I have Platinums, La Crete, and Olympus. I was happy without burning a single bag....... Now burning... still happy. Dan
We burn hazelnut shells. Yesssssss, very very happy. Got 9 yards of the stuff in storage before the end of December. Just sweet. We buy a bag or two of pellets now and then for the Quad
So far so good Russell. Just got done burning up some Orfords and Olympus DF this past week. Over the next couple months (weather notwithstanding) planning to move onto some platinums, vermonts, lacretes, and blazers. Also switching from room temp to stove temp, today being the first day in stove temp mode. Would you recommend those EasyBlaze or no? What's your #1 and #2 go to?
TT , I liked them burned a bag of the blend in the p43 last week very little ash in the pot , fluffy it just blows out , last year I roasted 10 bags of softies thru the Accentra , it was one of my favorites .
My # 2 wood be Vanderhoofs Platinums and until I use my Blazers or OLYMPUS my # 1 is LA CRETE . Sorry to say I would not go with EASYBLAZE again do to their inconsistency .
Russell to answer your ?? I've been satisfied with everything I've burned so far this year , maybe the one downer would be the Barefoot's good heat but really cakey ash and for the price my T Heats are kicking azz
They worked well for me 2 years ago , then couldn't find last year TSC had the early buy sale so I scored a ton . house is warm stoves are Happy , I'd buy again at $250 / ton
Burning firesides from HD. Hot and not much ask with the stove on Stat. I think it is as much about the stove as it is the pellets.
Not as happy with the ThermaGlo's as I'd like to be, but only because they are ashy. Mixing in FSU's with the TG's in the P61, to cut the ash a bit. Was burning FSU's in the P43, which it liked (and I liked), but switched it to the Pres-to's last weekend. Happy with them. Have one bag of Vermont's from last year, and a bag of Le Crete's (gift) for a special treat. Fortunately neither stove is picky, so as long as my house stays warm with whatever is burning I'm a happy camper . That one point alone keeps me away from using the propane boiler!
Lol, as long as you guys can figure out the settings...... Those Timber Heats two years ago were really good for me as well. Lowe's stills has them around me but I refuse to pay their prices. Glad to hear they are back to being a good pellet. Last year's reviews were not that great IIRC.
Yep, La Cretes, Lignetics, Stove Chow, Okanagan Platinum, Tsc Bagged Green Supremes all have burned great so far. Nation's Choice and surprisingly Cleanfire Pacific, not so much. I'm saving my 10 bags of Okanagan Douglas firs for if it really gets cold.
None of them available up here in the wilderness. I haven't tried the Home Depot and Lowe's offerings, should I?
Can't hurt to give it a try, at least if you can get FSU's or Pres-to's. Some like Stove Chows, but I haven't gotten to try them. Also, I've heard of stray shipments of really good stuff to HD's - ain't never seen it, but heard of it.