29 here 2 to 4" of snow forecast for tomorrow, I'll believe it when I see it, we sure need it! I cleaned the chimney when I got home today, Pinion pine soot's it up fast........... Burning now, 75.
My daughter on her first day skiing. This was her first run solo. I know it's a bunny hill, but we all start somewhere.
That was awesome! I love seeing the little ones on the hill. Its such a good healthy sport for them to be introduced to. Good for you as a parent. I spent years working for Whistler/Blackcomb and now many years later Im a strong advocate of teaching children to ski/snowboard. My kids are 14 and 10 and although not pros on the slopes we love going out together.
16 here with a good wind to make it feel like 2 degrees. Loaded up with 3-4 year c/s/s red oak at 8:20 last night. Came down and it was 68 with plenty of coals to load her up at 3:30am! Very happy with that performance
There's still room on that thermometer for colder temps. Somewhere, I have a picture (old type on film) of my thermometer at -40. Don't know why I took it other than when I told people about how cold it gets, they would kinda look away and say "Really?"
It was a bit colder here than weather.com forecast. Currently 6, just reloaded with 3 black cherry, 1 silver maple and 1 small oak split. Started out at 72 at nightly load at 9 pm, reloaded at 6 am with STT 325 and house temp down to 67. Not too bad, but room for improvement; goal is 68 or higher at morning reload. Tonight I will do my reload at higher STT (200 last night) and run with a bit more air.
This morning it was 17 degrees out. The stove was loaded last night with two or three year old Ash. I tested it with the MM and it was 13%. The stove room was 78 and the other part of the house was 74. The bedroom is 66 and comfortable for sleeping. My wife has to listen to me talk about the money we are saving all the time. Maybe next winter the new stove factor will wear off.
Woke up to about 4° oil kicked on around 4am. Got up around 5am and loaded all oak. News saying ingredients coming together for a major snowstorm in the NE Jan 10-11 Stay cozy!
Like many others, we're getting our first real taste of winter. Started out at 12F this morning at 6:30. Knowing it was coming, I loaded up with hickory before going to bed last night.
I sometimes think the Creator gave me my wife because he doesn't like silence in a household. I can only assume that other wives are similar to mine; I tell you my wife and I have had conversations for 20 minutes where I did not utter a sound! So, as I see it, this is the Creator's way of letting the husband get a chance to speak.
We had minus 13 this morning but having both the Pellet & Wood Stove going last night put the basement temp at 80 and up here 70. I shut the Pellet Stove off and loaded the Liberty up with Beech this morning.
9 degrees here on this cold, clear, frosty WV morning. Loaded the stove with Oak and Hickory, sitting on 73 in the house when I left for work.
Ended up at -4 last night before bed. 6 when I got up this morning, and due for 28 with sunny skies. I turned on the DV heater about 1/2 hour before bed and the kitchen still dropped to about 68 and the LR was 70 this am. DV is about to be shut down, since we're due for "warmer temps this week. Next 2 weeks should be colder, then the trend starts showing an upward slope. When's groundhog day? Aren't you supposed to have 1/2 your wood about then? I should have more than half pretty easily. ETA: Forgot to say, the load last night was 9 splits of all Oak. Pulled out some perfectly good coals to fit more wood.
Fired the wood furnace last nite for the first time this winter and let the TR18 go out . Got up to 87 inside with both of them going. 8 when I went to bed -2 at 4:30am Hard maple, oak, and 15lbs of coal. Toasty
Time for some clarity. I keep seeing reference to wind chill temperatures. You need to understand what that means. It is the temperature that would be equivalent in cooling that a person sized object at body temperature would experience if exposed to that weather. If you stood outside naked at say 32ºF with a 10 MPH wind it would cool you faster than in still air so the wind chill number would be lower than actual temperature. It bears no relationship to what a house of thousands of square feet of area would experience in cooling effects. Although wind does affect the heat transfer rate of a house, the variation with wind depends much more on how wind tight the structure is than on a silly relationship like wind chill. Wind chill is actually calculated using a cylinder to represent a person's body shape and uses typical height and weight of an "average" person being exposed. I am a bike rider and find people quoting wind chill on bike forums as comical. When I am going down the road at 65 MPH that is my wind, not the much smaller number I find on the weather channel, but I have a fairing so I do not really feel the full effects of that wind on me. My winter jacket is good down to about 20ºF at highway speeds on my bike and I would not hesitate to walk around in that same jacket at 5ºF with any wind under 10 MPH. Forget what the wind chill chart will show for 5F at 10MPH because that is not what I feel when riding. I am feeling the eddy currents behind my fairing that affect different parts of my body core very differently from place to place.
Interesting info Oldman47, I never quote in wind chill as it can vary so much living in town. Where I process it's wide open from the north and northwest. So I feel the full affect of the wind. At my house we have all sorts of man made and natural wind breaks.