Hi all. The last 2 days were terrible with FHC forum. Yesterday was the worst. I tried to post and stay on but it got to the point where I was waiting up to 10 minutes for a response and then sometimes no response at all. Adam let me know last night late (after I went to bed) that all was well again. Thank you Adam. The forum is fortunate to have you to keep things running. I hope not too many others had problems because it is difficult when you make a post and then have to wait 10 minutes before you can do anything else. Even a like took up to 5 minutes. So if anyone else is having or had a problem, all seems to be well here now and hopefully it is for you. Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas Dennis........ Same here, especially late afternoon yesterday. Waiting, things were sloooooooowwwwwww!
Yea Yesterday it was slow here too I left several times, rebooted my machine, cleaned the history .....>>> Noticed other sites running OK , so figured a FHC server issue Working good today ! Way to go Adam
Same problems here last day or two. Maybe Santa Claus left the pole early and was blocking out a signal?
it was pretty much effecting all of us for 2 days, thankfully all is good now was being discussed here in between slow and slower periods Anybody having problems today? | Firewood Hoarders Club
Tried and tried and then quit trying. Was happy to see that everything was back to normal (even for these members) early this morning!!
My computer is on most of the time so I did the same thing. When that didn't work I figured it must be the site. Thanks for the fix Adam. Merry Christmas to all!!