I was watching the news today and was marveling at the east coast weather. Never used to pay much attention.... Do you guys out east get these kind of winters from time to time? My stove is cold for the first time in I dont know how long. We were at a Christmas party until late last night and wasnt in the best shape to be fiddling with fire when I got home. House is cold but will leave it until a bit later. Im going to take the dog for a walk in the snow (29f) and take some pictures of some widow makers to post.
No we usually dont have winters like this. Yes I live in the south but like i said I dont remember a christmas or winter to Christmas this warm in twenty years or more.
Been cold here not much snow but a better snowpack than last year. Expecting a storm on Christmas day.
clemsonfor we had a real mild one last year. It seemed like winter ended in early February. 16 c in winter is unheard of around here. Normally we're ice fishing until early April but my season ended in February. I was able to get an early start on firewood processing so that was good but the low snow pack was tough on the fish in the streams and our forest fire season was crazy.
I think it's about 30 out, we'll let the stove burn down the coals so we can get rid of some ashes tomorrow morning and tonight we'll use the pellet stove. Tomorrow we'll push in more firewood (Cherry) before the rains move in. It looks like we'll get away with burning two face cord of Cherry for the month of December and so far we've burned about three bags of pellets. That dead Ironwood I cut looks like it's ready for when the colder weather moves in, once January hits we'll get some Beech & Sugar Maple in for the colder days/nights.
34º here outside and 79º upstairs.....whew, too hot but the wife is making M&M cookies so I'll live with 85º if need be. Have a small fire with some maple and walnut going.
It's 8:30 P.M., and 37* F. Got 4 tons of Eco Bricks, trucked'm home, hauled the whole lot across the back yard in the trusty wheel barrow, stacked them up, nice and neat ('cause I'm a bit too anal, about that sorta thing), and plan to be covered 'til April/May. I'm tired.
About 1200. Not cheap, I know. But I'm only now ready to supply myself with free wood. Wife loves how easy it is. Positive first impressions, and all that.
That will be nice heat writenoob. Enjoy. So will you start your firewood collection for next year this winter?
Try to target species that can dry in a year. Ash, elm, cherry, poplar, maple, pines , cherry. If you cut oak even if split today you wont be happy with the results. Dry wood is key esp in modern stoves.
It was cold enough last night that I used a load of 3yr oak. A major improvement over the shoulder season stuff and uglies I've been burning so far this season. Temps go back up today through Christmas, Thursday is supposed to be in the upper 60sF. Will let the stove go cold again today. Strange season so far... KaptJaq