I have a ditch that runs from the back corner of my property out to the road, about 1300' long. I've been cleaning it out so it will drain. It's on the left side of these first 2 pics. Here's a pic from last year. Here's what it looks like now. I've also widened other trails in the woods. Here's what I've gotten so far.
Nice work Jack! Cleared a ditch and got a boat load of wood out of the deal... Looks like you have a little cutting and splitting to do. The weather has been cooperating for getting things done this fall.
Never ending property maintenance is a Great way to maintain your firewood supply Winter is coming, I see some ice spots in the field. you plan to have it CSS'd before snow ? Seems like this year you'll have some extra time
I'm trying to get as much wood as possible out while I can, if I don't get it processed this winter I'll get it done in the spring. This wood is for 2018/19.
Looks good Jack. Processing in the spring works well. We usually stop when the air gets cold and/or the snow gets deep. Then come late March or early April we can get back at it. But usually the bucking is done during winter then just the splitting and stacking in the spring.
You sure have been busy , gettin outside, cleaning things out and some good BTUs for the hoard , good, good and good