Back on the saw today. Been bored to tears sitting around the house, (factory where I work burned down) so, I'm cutting wood in my down time. Today's contestant's... And another behind it in shadow. They worked up pretty quickly with the MA461
looks great dave looks pretty dry already! Would be curious what the moisture content is when split.. Your factory burned down I hope everything's OK no one hurt..
No one hurt, thank God! I had worked there 26 years. Showed up Monday morning after Thanksgiving at 4:30 and it was blazing. They got it all worked out, insurance is good to go and they will rebuild. Just gotta wait for it to happen
Wow that's scary. I'm glad no one got hurt. I hope the job for you and your coworkers is still there. Nice work on that dead stuff...
Think I'll go ahead and drop this one as well. It'll soon be dead, just have to let it sit in stacks a little longer.
Watch yourself with those standing dead trees. I was cutting one a few weeks ago and just the vibration from the saw caused a sizable limb to fall off. Fell about 2 feet from me.
Yeah, that's always a concern. About all I get to cut around here is DS, you learn pretty quick to stay on your toes and keep a sharp eye out.
So basically a paid vacation to go add to your stacks that sounds like a win - win to me... glad no one was hurt..
Looks warm & dry there, did the drought kill the trees? Wanting & having to keep busy is is a good thing. Plus…: CSS'd firewood is $$ in the bank that's not taxed
So it works out that you are getting paid to not work so you can cut wood. Sounds like a real winner!
53 today so far, just had 1.5 inches last Sunday and have been getting more than our share of rain. We've been wet since early spring, which is unusual for us. Wish some of the states to the west of us could get some of it.
It worked out that way. Just not used to not getting up every morning and heading in to work. Thankfully, the company was well insured and the owner took care of us employees as I'm not sure what 82 of us would have done.
Looks like there could be some widow makers in there. Be sure to have your hard hat on. Like it was previously mentioned that the wood looked pretty dry. About the factory that is something. You hear about those things but have never met anyone directly affected by it. I am sure you would rather be at work.
Was that the Rattler rope plant? Hopefully they get it rebuilt soon and everyone can get back to normal. Glad you have something to do instead of having to look for something to keep you busy
Yessir...Classic, Rattler....Equibrand is the parent company. I'm ready to go back to work and be productive
Took a walk around after I was done cutting today, just to see what was there. I've got tomorrow's plan already, unless I split some of the wood I cut today. I much prefer for my son to run the splitter though! All these are inside a 100 yard circle of the ones I cut today.