For the twin cities I see highs mostly in the low to mid 30's with lows in the very upper teens and low 20's UNTIL THE END OF JANUARY! Weather in Minneapolis - AccuWeather Forecast for MN 55415 Great for saving on the wood consumption! Not so great for making ice for those of us who love to ice fish. Good thing I have a snowmobile, doesn't look like a good year for driving trucks out!
Long range. We'll have some winter followed by spring and that will be followed by summer then comes the most favorite time of the year, fall! It will get cold this winter, warmer in the spring, hot in the summer and really nice in the fall. We'll burn a bit less wood this year which will save some work. Perhaps the worst part is that I predict some bad ice storms for this winter. We are due as it has been a long times since we've had much ice at all here.
Dennis, the new age Hippie Dippy Weatherman. Our long range forecast? Wrong. Incorrect. It changes so often, it's unreliable.
Through next week, we'll see upper 40's for day time highs. After that looks like mid 30's. Dandelions growing in the yard today, strange!
El Nino is especially prevalent in BC. Im about as far east as you can get in the province but we wont be spared its wrath. A milder winter with less arctic out breaks are what we are in store for. We are expecting a close to normal December in the Rockies for snow followed by dryer weather in the new year.
Forecast calls for days getting shorter for about another week, then will progressively start to get longer again.
Dang, Accuweather has Cinci back up in the mid 60's Christmas Eve and Day. I was going to light my stove for the first time this year on Wednesday, but if it's going to get back up into the 50's right away again next week it's not worth it since it takes a full burn just to warm my boiler temp up. I just finished splitting and stacking my wood for '16/17 on Friday, but if the winter keeps going like this I'm already on the 3 year plan!
Keeping in mind that they have a hard enough time telling us what the weather will be tomorrow, here are the next 15 days high/low temps projected: 57/50 55/34 47/35 52/43 47/28 40/25 41/26 45/35 49/38 55/44 55/44 55/40 52/37 50/37 49/34 Unreal.... I haven't even lit my OWB this year and I usually start it in November.
Whether it's cold or whether it's hot, we'll have weather, whether or not. Amazing what one remembers from their childhood
Saying temps in the 40's and 50's, a few days in 30's, night time temps 20's and 30's. This is ours through the end of January. Who knows though, I get up every morning and walk out on the porch. That seems to bo the most reliable way to predict the weather any more. Lol....
See for yourself. Not the best. This up and down mess is keeping us sick down here. Ready for some sustained cold weather
It will be warm here through Christmas. Everyone around here is claiming this is very rare, but I can remember lots of Christmases that weren't White Christmases here, and a few recent winters with almost no snow on the ground the whole time. One winter a few years back Christmas Eve was the last day of the whole winter when my kids could ride sleds in our yard. I have a small stove that can't heat the whole house in cold weather. In weather like this (40s and 50s during the day, 30s at night) I can keep the stove burning hot and it heats the house nicely. Sometimes we open a window, but we are still burning. I'd rather burn extra wood than resort to electric heat.