Grabbed a good load of red oak two days ago (in the photo) and split that night. Stacked yesterday and grabbed a smaller load of red maple and big-tooth aspen. Most of the aspen was split into kindling, but had to top off one pallet with some splits - about 3 rows worth. The first wood pic shows this year's stacks to this point - added the two pallets on the front left. Far left is all red oak, and second from left is about half red maple, quarter red oak and quarter aspen. 17 full pallets as of now. Have one more in the back row to finish - it has a half stack of dry pine - will bring that in for the shop stove and fill that with the next load. That will fill the area with 3 rows of 6 pallets - and I'd say the 18 pallets is darn close to 9 cord since I'm stacking to 5.5' high. Pretty happy! Now to figure out where to put the next loads after that if the weather holds! The other wood pic is of my 3 rows of 5 pallets (plus an oddball pallet of hemlock) that I stacked last fall and winter. I have room on the end for 3 more pallets to make a twin set to the new section. If I fill that and can keep cutting, I'll have to get creative with where to put it - might have to use the back field! So, at this point, I have 53 full pallets stacked outside and 1.5 cord of rounds - that puts me at pretty much 5 years ahead now - so will be starting on 2021-22 pretty quickly! Hoping the woods stay open!! Cheers!
Great job! BTW, if you are stacking 48 x 40 x 5.5' tall, that's .57 cord per stack. .57 x 18 = 10.26 cords. But who's counting?
Dawn to dark to get that much done in a day, good work! Nice , neat, professional looking Bet you've had visitors asking if you sell firewood ?
Could be! I've wondered if cribbing the corners eats up some space making it less - but I stack them pretty tight. If you are right I'm definitely past the 5 year mark and into 2021/22 now! Cheers!
Thanks Dave - had quite a few dawn till dark days to get this done + some night time stacking! Lots of folks have stopped over the years to buy wood - always get a strange look when I say I don't sell any! Cheers!