my daughters complaining but daddy we go snowmobiling and sliding on Christmas break but 7 foot blower not on both yet.. after last winter I am thankful!
it always snows here just a matter of when an how deep got family on both sides of Mt Washington not too far from Western Maine bet it gets used before spring
Last new sled I bought I didn't put 1000 miles in 2 years. I'm thinking about buying one this year just to keep the snow away.
Got 3 in barn.. they get used by the kids... I get to go from one to the next and get them unstuck and restarted..
Only have one kid but she has 2 sleds. She's almost 15 and I let her know that this winter she's going to get it started and unstuck by herself. We will see how that works out.
mines 10 and 90 lbs nephews are now big enough.. loves the old skidoo 380 goes fast enough for kids.. wish I could find more.. I like the little kids more fun brother takes 16 year Olds and they pay to fix those cowls, control arms, etc etc..
She's got a 87 Indy sport 340 that she's had since she was 8 or 9. Can't kill it. Last year for x-mas I bought a 98 Indy 500 that's just like new. Good sled for the amount of riding she does. She's pretty good about what she has and takes care of it. And if she wrecks it she owns it.