Good point . But if no body comes to get it, then what ? Wait a couple days have them pay you $50 to haul it away . If you don't haul it all away, you give them their $50 back. I have trouble paying someone to do work for them . Betting they saved a little money from the tree crew if they didn't haul it away for them. + That locust is a yard bird, may have some chain gotcha's in it. They buying your chain/s then ?
That locust is a yard bird, may have some chain gotcha's in it. They buying your chain/s then ? Valid point!
its already been 17 to 19 days on his postings (he has 2 for some reason) I am really surprised nobody has got it by now If he would just advertise it as free it would be gone, free firewood never lasts long on craigslist around here, especially locust The problem is the pine is the easy stuff and you cant just take it, he wants $100 if you dont take the locust as well, and the locust requires work and most scroungers around here expect it already cut in rounds, and its a pretty big locust so it is probably intimidating most scroungers, that and its a yard tree as mentioned by bogydave Issue with me is it is 60 miles one way, and I only want the locust as i have way to much soft wood already and can now be a bit of a wood snob And on his other ad he says those pine rounds are 30 to 36" in dia. I had a feeling they were big FREE FIRE WOOD -- U pick up -- lots !! FIREWOOD From a 70 foot pine type tree & a Black Locus Tree ** Tree just cut down ** 30"-36" pine tree cut into 14"-16" lengths Free if you take everything $100 deposit - refunded when done or take what you want for $100
Excuse my ignorance but what difference does it make if it's a yard tree? I have very little experience felling as I just cut to length the wood I scroung but I'm interested to know... Thanks.
May have nails, screws or other metallic items in-bedded in the tree from a swing or clothes line that well trash your chain if you hit them
I say give him the $100 deposit, but them tell him you need a $200 deposit from him ensuing the wood is actually pine and black locust, and when you are done call it even and take off!!
Your "Avatar" shows big wood isn't gonna scare you off. The 60 miles one way, & may need 2 trips, that would slow me way down. Amazing what some think has a lot of value, He may end up paying to get the locust cut up & removed. Trying to "Leverage" someone, who might have help you out , for $100, may backfire on him .
I can deal with big rounds if I can get my truck somewhat close to them and roll them, those are laying flat on the cut ends so I would need to pick them up so they are on the bark and roll them. I can see a clear path to the street but there is a bunch of locust in the way that i would need to move first but it would be a minimum of 2 round trips at like 120 miles ( 240 miles total) ea so it aint happening anyway
I like the $100 deposit idea. The guys on here seem like the honest sort, but unfortunately I have had dealings with people who weren't. It seems especially bad when it has to do with firewood.
Speaking of third picture down and block wall... looks like the old locust may have done a little block work on its way down haha
Woodscrounger, I agree with what you are saying but then again I don't. I arrived in this part of the country with absolutely nothing in the way of a history to recommend me. Banks, yes those folks who trust nobody, gave me a signature loan for my house down payment based simply on the fact that I could show a house for sale at the other end. When I bought my first piece of acreage I walked into a chemical company and asked them to apply crop chemicals for me. They did it and just sent me a bill. There was no credit check that I am aware of with either transaction. I filled out zero paper with the chemical company. It was all my verbal request and they followed through by applying thousands of dollars of crop chemicals. If a man's word is not worth something, why would you do business with him? Do you want to spend big bucks on lawyers? I can go even further with the trust issue. A few years ago I was shopping for a new touring type bike and took out a bike for a test ride. When I got back to the dealer I told the dealership owner that I liked the bike but really wanted one in a color he did not have. We talked for a few minutes and agreed on what I would be willing to pay for a bike in my color if he would accept my trade. This was not a cheap transaction since the bike had a retail list well over $20,000. With absolutely zero paper he ordered a bike for me from the factory and when it arrived I gave him exactly what we had agreed to and he gave me the new bike. Around here this is not unusual, it is the norm.
I notice when it's a soft grip hand shake or a lack of eye contact when shaking hands. The real and proper hand shake is like a man's word, in my book.
I think its something with firewood in particular where some people think you are doing them a favor just for taking it. No, it can always just lay and rot. We have given free firewood to people and told them where they could cut and you go back and they are somewhere totally different and they act like they are doing you a favor. They act as if they are entitled to it even though they are not.