Yesterday while taking down a hazardous maple tree, something flew out of the cut and hit me. It turns out I threw a chain. From the looks of the chain catcher, it took the majority of the force. The chain then went on to hit me at the very top of the chaps in a way/place that would have been most unpleasant had the chaps not dissipated the remaining force. Remember to always wear your personal protective equipment. It may just be your personal equipment protection!
That's a good reminder to all of us that a chain can come off and ruin your day. Squirming here a little thinking about where that chain was headed... Glad you had your chaps on...
Glad to hear your ok! I've been putting off getting chaps or pants, and I'll be ordering some today. It's silly to not be as prepared as possible for a potential acciddent. I don't know what I was waiting for?!?! Thanks, bert the turtle, for sharing! I hope others that are procrastinating about chaps get them ordered after reading your post.
Glad to hear you were not hurt..... just goes to show it's NUTZ what can happen while cutting wood, even when we try to be safe!
All kidding aside you are 100 % correct on the ppe. This summer I threw a chain wearing some army issue pants. About three inches from my junk, the chain hit and made two perfect 1/4 inch slices. Luckily it did not hit anything important. I also had a nasty bruise for a week. Good times. Glad you were not hurt