15 here this morning. I switched from shoulder-season quality to winter quality for last night's and this morning's fires.
Back into shoulder season silver maple. Put a fire on at early this morning before I left at 4am. Temps were already in the low 30s.
18* when I went to bed last night @ 10:30 or so, 13* when I woke up this a.m. Still rockin' spruce, pine & poplar for 12 hour burns! At this rate there might be no reason to switch over to the gooder hard woods!
With the snow over the weekend, Temps fell low enough that my lovely wife needed a fire.... first burn of the season for us... 32 this morning and another little fire.
Nice nickle door. Nice gate. We couldnt get away with that so we drummed it in to him HOT. Amazing how naturally cautious he is. And he is very inquisitive. And he loves the stove. He messes with it when cold and I they to stop him but that won't work!! He holds his hand out to feel heat or looks for coals. Stays way back. But when loading or building a fire he has to help. He hands me the wood. He just turned two.
Yep my little guy turned 3 in August, very curious about the stove, loves anything to do with firewood and chainsaws! (Wonder where he got that from) The gate works perfect, bad is easy to put up/ take down. We didn't install it so much for our son, more for his non wood burning cousins and friends. On a side note, we just got a notification from our insurance lady that our hearth doesn't meet the minimum requirements, so either a hearth pad goes in, or we extend the hearth out. I had been planning on extending it out any way... just wish I would have had a little more heads up before renewal time! Funny thing is back in March when we had insurance inspection everything was a ok?
It was 28* last night and 14* the night before. I fill the firebox before I go to work and put a piece or two in after work then fill it about 10pm. Love them 12 hour burns. House stays about 75* but it's only 1200 Sq/ft.
Had a little warm up 32 outside this morning. Will have burned all the cookies, scraps and shorties in the next day or so. Turkey day looks nasty. Need to bring the good lodgepole up to the porch. Inside cozy 75
Finally got below 30 overnight, we're still burning the shorts and uglies. Many days it gets over 40, we let the stove go out then.
When our grandkids were young and came to visit during the winter, I would take them in my lap while sitting in front of the stove and show them the fire and have them feel the heat it gave off. After that they kept a respectful distance from the stove when it was being used. Two and three year olds are very teachable.
Mine was born in november so he was rolling around and moving some that first winter. The next one he was just at a year.
I respect that, but accidents are just that. When we where kids the kerosene heaters where all the rage to cut the edge off in the cold mid west winters. We where all taught to keep our distance, and we did. When my brother was 4 or 5 we where playing at a friends house, he tripped over the cat and instinctively tried to catch himself... ended up with pretty good burns on one hand. This was 30 years ago, and the ER bills really put a hurt on the parents of our friends... I would hate to think what it would cost today... but the thought of my stove being responsible in hurting a child.... that is why we have the gate. Just my 2 cents.
The Radio Shack Special is on the fritz(not giving any temp) I think it's around 23 so the Liberty is full of Cherry with one round of Blue Beech.
Supposed to get some "heart attack" snow tomorrow. It is above 30 now with wind. Mild temps and that's alright with me.
18 at 7am Weather man would be better at predicting bingo #'s than lows for the night lately. I've got all the shorts and uglies burned up out of the 2 kiln baskets sitting by the back door. Whats left is the best of the shoulder season wood. Prolly 2 weeks tops then pending the temps I'll fire up the big gun furnace.