Thanks for stopping by last night. We don't charge extra for the comedy show! Drop in any time, I'd love to have the chance to talk. Next time I won't have the Kubota stuck up to its bellybutton in the mud!! And the rest of you out there remember Jessie's words of wisdom: "If you ain't got your 'bota stuck at least once, you ain't running it right!" Truer words were never spoken!
Sorry I haven't been real active and got back with you. Recovered from my accident with saw and changed jobs plus getting caught up around the house yada yada I haven't been in here as much or just to tired Hope things are well in the hash
E="WMW0505, post: 402065, member: 2407"][/QUOTE] Where were you last night when I needed that instructional vedio?!?
[That'sE="Woodrat1276, post: 402297, member: 2242"]Like a idiot I wasn't wearing chaps and got my knee. 28 stitches View attachment 74293 [/QUOTE] That's UGLY!Hope you are well. Tough lesson to learn, sorry it happened.
Looks like you took a tough one to the knee, glad it wasn't any worse than that. Good luck healing up, a tough place for mending when your walking