Maybe an 1/8th of a cord of good stuff, mainly uglies and shoulder season stuff. Not had very many fires though, been to warm....
Gas bill for sep/oct was 18; then for oct/nov 42. So I thought I had better start up the OWB (nov 6) and get hot water also. I estimate only pushing about a face cord so far. If that.
Burned less than 1/4 cord so far, mostly uglies. Have to get the chunky monkeys out of the way first 'cause they cover the stacks. Not great luck with fitting 'em into the stove- you can arrange a pile together that should fit into the firebox, but they never go in that way, heheh.
About a cord so far. Had a pile of Red Maple logs that were on the verge of rotting. I considered pushing them into the puckerbrush, but ended up cutting them, and that is what I'm burning now (junk that I'd like to see gone). Between the punky maple and some old Black Cherry I'm making quite a mess in the house every time I handle the wood. It is 19 degrees out now. Been warming up nice in the daytime. The oil furnace was turned on for a service check, and then right back off again.
Hey now, be kind. Got way too much ugly wood in my stacks not to be counting it! Besides, they all look beautiful in the ash bucket. Perhaps 1/3 of a face cord.
Probably a third of a cord here as well. We've had some colder mornings here and the heat runs for a bit to get the house up to 70 in the AM plus the tanks have to stay above 125 or so to keep making hot water. I'm thinking of buying some oil since it is so cheap but I'm worried about the ultra low sulfur stuff going bad. Whatever is in the tank now has been there for over 2 years at this point.
Bout a 1/4 of a cord here too, mostly maple, lil ash...My uglies are oak, bout 1/2 cord and ready to go-I'm saving them for when the real weather gets here which if El Nino keeps having its way, it may not happen---thats the only oak I will burn this yr, 2 yrs up on the 3 yr plan...
I have burned about half of a cord, mostly uglies, and softwood. It was 24 degrees last night at the house though, so a little beech and hard maple was tossed in.
Right at just 'bout 5 hounds worth of uglies, give-r-take, depending on the size of yer hound of course Who said squirrel?
Low of 56 tonight here. This is the end of the warm weather. For the next week, temps drop quite a bit. I'm looking forward to burning hot fires.
1/2 facecord that was stacked right outside the door and a loose thrown kiln basket 42x42x42". Maybe a face cord total.
Built first fire October 3. 1/3 of a cord. Mostly chunks,uglies,shorties,scraps,cookies,and whatever didn't fit nicely in the stacks. I think i'm becoming a stack snob.. All Lodge Pole Pine. Saving the good Lodge Pole Pine for when it really gets cold.
No wood used, yet. It is a combination of buying four portable heater and a mild fall. The electricity usage is an additional 40-60 per month for the heaters. I some times use a cord or three of pine during the fall (October and November). I end up saving a little bit, but I also get to put off loading wood until later in the year.
Hardly any. I fired up the stove last week, and by the weekend it was too warm for a fire. It still is too warm. I expect to resume burning later this week.
Ahhhhhh, pains in my stitches from laughing at "who said squirrel?"!!!!!! That is just awesome Dave! You make a calendar with them yet? You'd make a killing!
2-2.5 cord of pine, spruce & poplar since the end of September. It's a lot more than I originally thought I had used so far, but haven't been keeping close track. It's my free/shoulder wood so the consumption rate doesn't bother me that much. In fact, I've been keeping such poor track of my usage, I'm just happy when I get a whole day's worth of heat/hot water out of one heaping wheel barrow full.