What ate they saying? I know the south is suppose to be cooler n wetter than normal. But what does the less than 60% mean on precip or the less than 33% on temp? Cause the north is less than 40% and I am less than 50%?
not sure, I think it is percentage , like 50% warmer in mi NOAA: Strong El NiƱo sets the stage for 2015-2016 winter weather 2015-16 Winter Outlook | NOAA Climate.gov
Still 50*F here, forecast down to high 30's tonight. Threw in some Ash for overnight. Should last longer than the tulip poplar.
Loaded about 3/4 full @10:30. Supposed to hit 34 tonight. Should be close to 70 in here in the morning. Later this week, temps might be a few degs below normal for a while. It's mostly been the opposite lately. I'm goin' to bed.
Dave, I have been in the "equal chances" range for decades....... Hang in there and no doubt you will be prepared for the -40 when and if it happens Happened in my locals many times with extreme temps and precip.
26 Few small uglies to keep the temp up. Supposed to hit mid 50's today. Solar gain this Oct/Nov has been incredible. Very few overcast days. Think Ive only kept fire going all day , maybe a total of 3 days this fall.
The last few days has been the only sun we have seen in over a week or so. Other than an hour or two. Rain rain rain! Loaded oak last night and this mourn.
Woke up to morning snow and temps in the 20's. Weather.com says colder in the teens over night with high in the mid 30's for foreseeable future at least 10 day'... burning a mixture of lodge pole pine..(a guy can dream). House sitting at a cozy 74-76 right now.