Hoping to spend some quality time in the tree stand and get a deer or two before thanksgiving. That way I get more time in front of the stove when its cold!
Nice deer! I switched to a X-bow just because I feel a lot more comfortable looking through the scope and knowing the bolt is going to go exactly where the crosshairs are locked in on. I don't care what some compound bow users say about crossbow hunters, I want to put the deer down quick and not second guess myself and the crossbow is the best tool for the job for me.
BCB. I agree many deer fell to my bow over the past 24 years I have been bow hunting so I tell them to catch up and then come talk to me. Here in Mass. a cross now is illegal unless you prove you can't use conventional gear. So this year I had my Dr. list up all that's wrong with me and sent it in. They sent me a permit 5 days later. As you said I now feel better about my shot placement .
I am in a rush to get things done around the house so I can have things wrapped up and can enjoy NY and PA rifle seasons. Would love to go muzzleloader hunting in PA this Sat., but work calls! Hope to get 3-4 deer between the 2 states, buck and doe.
Nothing wrong at all with shooting a crossbow. As long as you are enjoying it use what you want to and feel good about. I personally shoot a compound bc I enjoy it more. Diversity is a good thing for all of us hunters.
Cant remember who the Ohio guy was that showed the big roadkill last year. Just had a 24 point killed just south of my place by a car . I saved the pics on my game thread. Will upload here if needed.
I like to use a compound bow. I have nothing against a crossbow. I am just impressed you won't quit hunting. Make adjustments and keep going. You have my respect.
Friend of mine asked if I felt like riding along today. Tossed on some orange and was a spotter. I might just need to apply and borrow a rifle from my kid for next year. Kinda missed the whole deer hunting thing. Then it really hit when he got one..
Tonight at the company farm. To anyone that is thinking of going to a cross bow do to age and health reasons PLEASE do the deer and your self right and do it. I feel much more confident in my ability to put the shot where it needs to be.
Got to hunt a couple of hours this evening with my young boy Zip. He did outstanding, as it all finally came together for he and I. Zip had 4 nice points and we finally connected on his first Ruffed Grouse. Very proud of him.
Here is a buck I took Thanksgiving morning with my Remington Model 7 .260. I thought he was a little better buck but still pleased as he will eat good. He was a 7 point but had a tine broke off at the main beam, so made him a 6 point. I did not have much time to study him as he was around 100 yards going through the timber and scrubb pines.