I was at 53 cords but sold off 40. I have access to about 40 more. Everything is CSS & Seasoned. I burn two a year.
There simply has to be more wood out there among members! Calling all one day joiner/no posts/ lurker/readers/ vacationing/ forum jumpers/ firewooders who've learned a bunch here but just... don't..... contribute! Arrrgh, it. Can't. We. Umm. Why? Ok, I'm getting flusterated cos I can't get outside (is it obvious) and add more to the stacks! And to this count! Alright, I digress..... Sorry y'all. Lata.
Still need to get pictures to get opinions, but I think myself and Lefty have ~20~ cords that are a combination of cut but need split or log length. I will try to get some next weekend.
I agree Dave but it's not good for hunting. Going to change soon though but not as drastic as yours. That will come soon enough and both of us will be wishing we were in CA or AZ.
I am up to 8 cords now, 2 are green, 6 are seasoned. I lost some pines to bark beetles this fall, and I have been dropping them and making more cordwood. I have 2 more dead birch trees to drop here as well. Meanwhile it has been an El Nino warmer than ever on record year here and I have only burned 1/6 a cord so far this year. And that is light Pacific Silver fir. I also fixed the flue and now the Englander is burning better than ever, so I am burning even less wood to get the same heat.
the maple from last week is almost done ( pics to come later ) so you cane add 2 more cords including a bin of uglies i forgot before.