This is a 036 I brought back to life. Had been setting for what looked like years. Passed vac and psi test. Swapped out the carb,oil pump, muffler from a 034 running good now. $25 find!!!!
milkman31, welcome! Dang $25 bucks what a runner! You definitely gonna fit in right nice here Got any farwood stacked up?
My old beater 036 is still my favorite #1 go to saw. Newer stuff sits in the basement while the 036 rides with Papa to the woods! Welcome aboard! By the way, that baby sounds great, is that 034 muffler dual ported? If not I did this to mine, my standard "poor man's" dual port! It will sound and run even better!
Nice running 036! I have 5 1125 series runners lol. All being run hard by family members and me. $25 is a HUGE "you suck" price, tho haha.